Warhammer Online

even though i'm not part of the cool kids crew i'll drop my name in the hat anyway. maybe i can be the guild waterboy

You are most certainly part of the cool kids crew. As a matter of fact you should be coming to Florida too. Anyway, I didn't mean to exclude you big guy. You'd be more than welcome to join this if we can get it going.
honestly, all we need is a clan name and I'll fill out the rest of the application. if you guys want to, check out the application and tell me which answer you'd put down for the questions and be honest. these guys are including all kinds of player whether they be casual, role players, or hardcore raiders.
guild name is Pennsylvania FTW and we are officially signed up. Should know by the end of the weekend if we got in.
I would strongly recommend each of you submit an application by following that link in my first post. FILL IN ALL THE BLANKS OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE DELETED BY MYTHIC. When it ask about a guild web page make up a URL or just say that you don't have one yet. All of you filling out an application will increase our chances on getting in on this.
I filled one out yesterday. So have you heard anything Bear?

Probably won't know anything for another week. The application process stops on the 4th of May so we should all be checking our email A LOT if you happened to do a guild application. I even think we got Mish in on the action!
Do you think we should keep sending in an application? I do have multiple email address'.
The May Newsletter is finally here. They are selecting from the some 10,000 guild applications they recieved and we should know if we got accepted within the next couple of weeks. If you want another chance to get into the beta they are taking closed beta applications at www.warhammeronline.com