Website now online!

It's finished like that? Sorry to say, but flash-only sites are bullshit. I'm sure it -looks- nice, but it's useless in most other aspects. Now I can't order any cds. =(

Also, is the stylesheet link supposed to be a local url?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="file:///F|/SITO%20ABORYM/abor1.css" type="text/css">
It's finished like that? Sorry to say, but flash-only sites are bullshit. I'm sure it -looks- nice, but it's useless in most other aspects. Now I can't order any cds. =(

Well, each to their own. I actually prefer Flash based sites, but I'm starting to see that some don't share my enthusiasm. I'll be addressing the issue by having an HTML based site that runs alongside the Flash one, so then people can choose.

The "shop" aspect of the site is mearly a link to the Earache shop site which can be visited here:

CDs are $11.00 post paid worldwide or in some cases cheaper.

Also, is the stylesheet link supposed to be a local url?

I hadn't checked out the code before this, but it seems Peppe's used the same style sheet as the Aborym website that I believe he also designed :)
