Website update...

Little note : uploaded Dark_Soul's pic.
I caught the flu and need my pillow, so I'm nit wotking on the website before weekend again...
Well, the FC gets heavy attacked again... :rolleyes:

Anyone have the FC email address listed in the address book, please be so kind and take it out...

I'm blocking any email address sending me a virus attached!

Due to the fact that I still get attacked, I blocked the hole account at AOL, instead I will make a list with email addresses who will be able to send mails through.
If you wish to send mails, please send a PM with your email address...
I need that one ;)

By the way I upload some pics... but much more to come... thought I can do it all in one but unfortunately I had lost the many weeks work... :cry:
I think Brimstone meant the videos we were talking about earlier.
You'll find them in the Discography section. There's a link next to the songs with the videos available.
Big thanks to Lubbe :)

