
Originally posted by Morgana
Great, something to visit when I return from Wacken!

Haha....I bet you will be VERY busy coping with UM first......or at least you will be if lunarisweb won't be up then (*thinks of the long wait for the Borkies website*)
We are really pushing to get the website up today, and hopefully it will be up tonight.
Initially it will be quite basic, but we'll be working hard to keep updating it continuously.
i must be first in guestbook - heheh... o shit... tonight i and Martex have school... ok, i'll be second after Morg ;)
you see... they forgot guestbook. man... ok, Morg... if you'll be first, i'll be second for sure... ;)
thx Morg, we still waiting... :(

but i upload now Enter Chaos' mp3. i'll post address soon...