Welcome to the Carcass forum!


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
I don't know anything about these guys (educate me!:)), but Saphira asked for one, and hey - why not? I've at least heard of them :lol:

please don't hurt me
I dont know about much about Carcass either except they did alot for Melodic Death Metal and there from Liverpool!!

But i do own the album Heartwork and its classic tis one of my favorite albums EVER. I recomend if you dont own anything by them you should get Heartwork straight away!! :D :lol:
You really dont know who carcass is o_0 wow...


there one of the early grind core bands, created bye an ex Napalm Death guitarist, and there best album was Heartwork with an impressive spread of melodic catchy killer shredding work

one of the best albums in death metal. one of the best death bands.
Depending on which album and which song your listening you could very well say that they are hybrid of Grindcore(they invented that) and melodic death. You might not agree in saying that they are Melodic death but virtually all M D bands have been infulenced by them.
I only have Heartwork and to me that sounds Melodic Death Metal. And ive been been told that album did alot for the MDM scene.

So did anyone ever get to see Carcass live? :)