What are you doing for Turkey Day?

When the UK dominates a country and attempts to wipe out it's original inhabitants, we don't gloss over it with focusing on the nice dinner at the start.

Instead you attempt to justify your occupation of the savages by claiming that you're doing God's good work by introducing civilization into a barbaric land and muse over what progress you've made whilst dining on tea and crumpets and reciting "The White Man's Burden."

I think we're about even.
I have a 4-day weekend. Awesome.

Huge dinner at my house. 30-pound turkey. Pumpkin pie, squash, potatoes, all that shit. Usually a good time.
My mom bought lots of food so I am going to get fat as shit. My brother and his wife are coming over too and I think they are bringing a couple of homemade pies. Oh fuck yeah.
I do not like thanksgiving christmas or holidays so will probably be drinking coffee listening to music playing guitar which is what I normally do. I'm suppose to being going to my grandmothers where my cousin and his girlfriend will be with their two kids and who knows who else and their kids will be there so probably am not going because do not like kids.
Today i'm going to my moms house to stuff my gut and gain a few pounds. Last night for black Wednesday i went to a friends houseparty and got smashed off of Hoegaarden and Jello shots. I'm usually hungover as balls on Thanksgiving but suprisingly not today.