What Edge of Sanity / Dan Swanö shit is essential?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I have:

The Spectral Sorrows
Purgatory Afterglow
Crimson II

I don't need another Moontower or Crimson II, I'd rather have more Spectral Afterglow or Purgatory Sorrows type stuff.

EDIT: Whoa I just remembered I made a thread like this a long time ago. Ah who cares, somebody can search for it if they want, but I won't. :D
I love ALL his stuff, pretty much, except the new Bloodbath, the Ribspreader album, Crimson II... all his more recent "death metal" stuff has been kind of weak. :(

Actually I haven't listened to much of anything by him lately, so I don't even know what to suggest!
Aside from what you've listed:

Edge of Sanity - Unorthodox
Edge of Sanity - Until Eternity Ends EP
Pan-thy-monium - Dawn of Dreams (death/doom)
Odyssey - Odyssey (power/doom)

EDIT - J. beat me to Unorthodox and Pan-thy-monium, but I'll second the recommendations
Dark One said:
Edge of Sanity - Until Eternity Ends EP

This one is pretty good if you like the PA/TSS sound from EoS. It's only four songs, and it's fairly short, but it's a nice addition is you can find it for cheap.
Right, Unorthodox is next.
Demilich said:
Steel - Heavy Metal Machine

if you want a good laugh! :D
That shit was FUNNY!
JayKeeley said:
Hahahaha....I would just quit while you're ahead.
I was looking through an old thread, and you know what I found?
JayKeeley said:
I love Moontower.
Dead serious. :loco: EDIT: Okay no you didn't say "love" but you did say it was "good" and I chuckled.
Unorthodox, I find, is good, but ends up sounding mostly the same throughout.

I won't even bother trying to whore Swano's non-metal stuff here, it just isn't meant to be!
One Inch Man said:
I was looking through an old thread, and you know what I found? Dead serious. :loco: EDIT: Okay no you didn't say "love" but you did say it was "good" and I chuckled.

"I'm your father"

*JK falls endlessly into the cloud city abyss....*
I find Unorthodox to be EoS's best. It's old school, consistent, and doesn't have the melodic trappings of PA and Crimson.

Pan.Thy.Monium man, PTM. Why does no one want to check out this totally original band?
yeah, he also thinks some Evergrey song is the best song to come out of Sweden.

I totally see that Unorthodox is not their best moment regarding songwriting or exhibiting their talents, but it just seems everything feels right about that album. It's old school as hell with some minor tinkerings with melody, some clean vox, but oh so Swedish death.

Chedsey nailed a perfct description of PTM: "Imagine if John Zorn, Chris Barnes (with a bad throat cold), various members of Yes, Rush, and a demon all met in an alleyway somewhere and got into a fistfight. And suppose the omnipotent Dan Swano happened to be there to capture this on tape. This is very similar to what Pan-Thy-Monium is about."
Okay I guess I do need to check out PTM, I remember hearing a song and not being impressed though.