what have you been doing today?

Bambi said:
did he smash his house up? some toe rag threw a bottle of bacardi breezer through our sitting room window last night, its that time of year i guess
Did loads of damage to the living room. The swords narrowly missed me mates head so we made a sharp exit. Did you catch the offender?
mailed, pm-ed, read the forum(s), did some housework, spend a few hours trying to get the varnish off the stairs, and now my arm really hurts...
Drinking coffee right now. Have class shortly across town and then I'm registering today for spring classes. Then I have homework. Pharmacology test this afternoon, homework to hand in, transcription homework, etc. Pick up Bryan from work, more homework.
It's raining here today, very nice.
And....I am getting very good at something. Yes i am. It's a discernment of sorts. :)
I just heard something about toxins yesterday, it leads to losing your sense of smell too, I can't smell either.

Which means my poo is okay smellwise :cool:

In fact, I held it only cause I wanted to weigh more to pass the minimum-weight test for blood donation.
Maqus said:
I just heard something about toxins yesterday, it leads to losing your sense of smell too

Bullshit, I can smell like a wolf. I could smell the soap you used, your toothpaste even, from across a lecture room. And I'm multiple chemical....

It's been raining here all day, which is rare and really realy nice. The clouds have been breathtaking.
Got regestered today for spring term. :)
My front door is totally naked and today I'm giving it a coat of varnish and putting it back in place. (It's like looking at those DIYprograms on tv, but the funny version)