What made you sad today?

Hope you feel better soon, Gibbon! That's never fun to go through.
Surprisingly feeling quite good right now but I felt awful this morning having had a little over an hour's sleep despite going to Bed at 12am and having to wake up at 6:15am to start getting ready for work!

Probably catch up with me later or tomorrow!
I'd be hesitant to call him a legend, but yea, that was terrible news! RIP Mike.
Hi guys. A lot of things are recently making me sad in my life, but I'll say one of those things that I think is the most prominent.

I am being(kind of) forced to go to some place and sleep there, that people(including my parents) think is good for me but I think is terrible. I actually think that I'll be fine and not have to go to that place soon, but currently, I'm quite sad about it.

Also sorry to hear that youy guys aree ill/sick or whatever it was.....I know how it feels like. I was vomiting(if that's the right word) a while back every 5-10 minutes because of something that I ate that was not fresh at all.
I'm also very sorry to hear about the earthquake in Japan, and also the one in China(I think) that occurred a few days ago. The victims of both earthquakes have my support.
Originally a 7.9 on the moment magnitude scale, it was upgraded to an 8.8, then finally to 8.9 by the United States Geological Survey making it the largest earthquake to hit Japan in recorded history and the 7th largest in the world since records began

Ouch. Sad news, thoughts and wishes go out to those affected :( Yknow maybe it's observation bias or differences in news reporting but I swear it feels like there are more natural disasters these days than when I was a lad...at no point in my life previous could I count 5 big earthquakes in recent memory.
For me, seeing all these natural disasters happening around the world(for example the one that happened in NZ a while ago), it kind of worries me that this kind of thing will happen in my country or around the place I live at. I believe that others would feel the same.....

do you guys feel the same?
Also very sad to see of the earthquake, but also very thankful. I have friends who have just flown to Japan to see Iron Maiden. Luckily they're in Tokyo and although I've not heard from them, it sees they will be fine there.
My condolences to you, Noam, as well as the victims of the earthquake! Seems in recent years we've seen a lot of immense earthquakes... how strange. Geology fascinates me, but it's pretty frightening stuff! Hope things get back to normal soon... whatever 'normal' may be!