What song should i learn next?

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
What symphony x song should i try and learn next? So far I've been having fun (and stress) in mastering the Of Sins and Shaddows. I just wanna learn some cool little solo and riff of a song to impress people with, not exactly a whole song. You know, like a friend comes over not realising i can play guitar and he's like "Oh, you play? Play something cool!" and I'm like doing the cminor 7 string skipped/tapped solo in Of Sins and Shaddows. He's all like "Cool, WOAH!! thats fast dude,..."
Yeah, a cool Symphony X song like that. I'm thinking mabey Inferno? I've allready figured out the main riff, the solo sounds like it could do some practise on tho, same with the into harmonic minor open string licks.? I don't know, mabey eventhe turning's insane solo?

What do you guys reckon?

Oh and PS: Good to see the musician forum's getting more active lately! Lets make it even more prominant!:wave:
try the sea of lies middle part, many people attempt to play it.

ok how about the nice acoustic for the first verse of the odyssey? not fast eh?

ok how about the last solo of divine wings, try that
I've been playing guitar for 4 years and I still can't play a single SyX song straight through in full.

I recommend that you start at the bottom and work your way up. Be able to play everything by Metallica, Joe Satriani, Yngwie, and mot of Dream Theater's songs before attempting SyX.
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I've been playing guitar for 4 years and I still can't play a single SyX song straight through in full.

I recommend that you start at the bottom and work your way up. Be able to play everything by Metallica, Joe Satriani, Yngwie, and mot of Dream Theater's songs before attempting SyX.

cut Joe satriani and Yngwie out of there heh.
If you can shred like them, then you can shred almost as well as Romeo.
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I recommend that you start at the bottom and work your way up. Be able to play everything by Metallica, Joe Satriani, Yngwie, and mot of Dream Theater's songs before attempting SyX.

Why do you asume that because i'm a younger teenager - that I'm a n00B beginner guitarist?:D I'm not a begginner at all, I practise like 2 hours a day. (not trying to sound like a dick, but I allready said I'm doing the Sins and Shaddows solo:p...)
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Why do you asume that because i'm a younger teenager - that I'm a n00B beginner guitarist?:D I'm not a begginner at all, I practise like 2 hours a day. (not trying to sound like a dick, but I allready said I'm doing the Sins and Shaddows solo:p...)

Have you tried Enter Sandman yet shred? That one's a dousey. :D
Or perhaps the solo from Michael Jackson's Beat It (that one is done by Eddie Van Halen). Basically any solo by Eddie will impress 99% of the people out there. Oh god I love those Show-Solos :). Those tapping sequences will blow away anyone that doesn't know about guitar playing (99% of the people)
Oh shut up, i'm not listening to you!

I started learning the Sea of Lies solo (not just the tapping part, the whole lot) last night. And shit, it's hard! But I'm getting there.
the_satanic_rabbit said:
Hey man, if you can't play the intro to Thunderstruck then you are not a good guitar player


I laughed so hard when my cousin said that Angus Young was the single fastest, most blistering player in the world. I thought it was a joke, but he was serious!