Where has your musical journey taken you (PLEASE RESPOND)?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
1984: Was introduced to Suicidal Tendencies, The Vandals, and The Jesus and Mary Chain.
1987: Decided to get into music, discovered Twisted Sister, Quiet Riot, Iron Maiden, and the Beastie Boys.
1989: Discovered the Stereo MC's and some other useless rap shit I never listen to anymore.
1991: Metallica performs on MTV + hearing Nirvana - Nevermind = TOTAL MINDFUCK, also discovered Guns' n Roses at this time.
1992: Megadeth. MEGA. FUCKING. DETH. Danzig. FUCKING DANZIG, YES!!!
1993: Nine Inch Nails and Tool, the nihilistic side came upon fruition. Morbid Angel, Carcass, Cannibal Corpse, and a few other death metal bands laid their piles of heaping dead bodies upon me.
1994: Holy balls, this was IT. Slayer, White Zombie, Tool, Pantera, Corrosion of Conformity, shit the holy fucking NINE came this year and I what laid upon me was about 30 other incredible bands from various persuasions. Wow.
1999: Start digging underground with acts like Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir (tip of the iceberg).
2003: Discover Royal Carnage. An entire slew of new, old, obscure, and everything in between hits me in the face like Optimus Prime on 100% pissed-off-at-Megatron mode.
2004: Truly discover stoner. Live, love, learn.

What's next? Your turn.
Early 90s: Listen to my dad's musuc. Love The Beatles.
1997: Eric Clapton and still dad's music
1998/'99: Odds and sods - Sex Pistols, Prodigy, lots more Clapton
Late '99: Discover Iron Maiden. Whoops.
2000: Forced to delve into nu-metal cos it's the only thing around that we can find easily. But my priority is finding more bands like Maiden and it's no secret. Discover Bathory.
2001: A joyous summer involves pilfering through my mate's dad's LP collection and seals my love for traditional 70s/80s Metal. My favourite bands are nailed.
2002: More more
2003: Start getting into the underground
2004: More so
2005: It appears I'm looking towards current releases and new bands as opposed to buying up back catalogues of old bands...I suppose this is fine.
1984 - Came to US and promptly introduced to Twisted Sister and Iron Maiden
1985 - Wear an Iron Maiden (aces high) shirt 3 out of 5 days to Junior High. Mocked by children.
1985 - Buy Possessed Seven Churches for $5.99 on vinyl and totally afraid to put it on the turntable. Then just totally sucked in as soon as Tubular Bells come on ...
1985 - Buy SOD ... and become very hateful of people and arabs
1986 - Reign in Blood comes out ... and never leaves my car deck
1986-1992 - Buy every Death Metal and Thrash Metal release ever. Read Metal Forces religiously. Chicks continue to ignore me. (even though I also like hair metal)
Early 90's - Actually get into grunge and the whole downer Seatlle scene
1994-2000 - completely abandon Metal and General music buying. bored and nothing interested me
2000 or so ... start listening to Metal again, realizing that will always be the way for me.
1986: Uncle presents me with a gift: Metallica's "No Life 'till Leather".
1987: I start appreciating the classics. (Iron Maiden, Metallica, Slayer, Mötorhead, etc,)
1990 to '91: Discovers Guns 'n' Roses and my hate for Nirvana (Possibly because so many argued who was better: Nirvana, Metallica, Guns 'n' Roses). Later that year, I discover black metal and is instantly baffled. Also discovers Bathory.
1992: Discovers the swedish death metal scene, but isn't all that impressed. Sees Metallica live.
1996: Buys "The Gallery". Is now considered a poser in the black metal scene. Also discovers such bands as In Flames, Opeth, Eucharist, Dissection and all the better known swedish death metal acts. Also manages to fully appreciate At the Gates's material.
1997: Realizes that Slaughter of the Soul was a regression.
1999: Runs tired of extreme metal and listens exclusively to the classics I discovered in '87 (with the exception of Slayer, whom I'm tired of). Also listens to a few non-metal acts I've discovered over the years, such as Clapton, Nick Cave and so on.
2002: Gets the internet and rediscovers metal. Is relieved I didn't sell my metal collection.
I'm a young kid- keep in mind.

Pre 2001 - I listened to a lot of Classic Rock and some grunge stuff, lots of Smashing Pumpkins.
2001 - My friend introduced me to "Blackwater Park" by Opeth and it was unlike anything I've ever heard.
2001 - I started getting into Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, and some Arch Enemy.
2002 - I was introduced to "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk" and this is where I really started to listen to BM instead of melo-deth.
2003 - I ordered "Till Fjalls" and "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" from The End which was basically the parcel that changed my life. Not much needs to be said about the effect HLTO had on me, but "Till Fjalls" opened up a whole new style of music to me, and it was my gateway to old Germanic folklore. Aegrimonia is re-born (my old band) and I start to get better at guitar, but I'm not yet writing music. WTTT is born in November
2004 - I write my first song "Solitude" in March. This results in the "Rising Fog" tape. In August, I write a song for no distinct purpose and I leave it un-named, this ultimately becomes "Hymn of the Wood". In October, Noltem is born.
2005 - You know the story.
the condensed version:

1993 or so: at a late start (age 14), I get serious about music with the likes of Metallica, Megadeth, etc.
1994-95: this is interrupted by a grunge phase
1996-97: start exploring underground metal and thrash. Don't really discover the charms of black metal for a few more years. I Also go through a brief punk phase.
1999: The prog metal bug hits, going beyond Dream Theater and Queensryche, and I start posting on message boards, giving my exposure to undergound music a huge boost. At the same time I grow tolerant of more extreme metal. I also become a Nevermore addict this year.
2000: Anathema & My Dying Bride get me interested in doom metal. Opeth further breaks down my resistance to death metal.
2001: This naturally leads to an intense interest in prog, which has really been with me all along as I grew up with my dad's Genesis and ELP albums. Become a King Crimson fanboy literally overnight. Start discovering lots of my current favorites (Porcupine Tree, Ulver, Katatonia, the band then known as Maudlin Of The Well etc.) with the help of online radio.
2003-2005: Stop defining myself as strictly a prog/metal (meaning one or the other, not the genre), and focus on being as eclectic as possible. Recently becomes a Zappaholic.
2005-date: Mono, GYBE! (move the damn exclamation point back), & Mogwai lead me into being enthralled with post-rock, which quickly becomes an obsession. Also starts exploring ambient more heavily.
1986: exposed to Megadeth (Devil's Island!) and Iron Maiden (Wasted Years video blew my mind) at the tender age of 4 thanks to my older brother (a serious metalhead)
1987: falls in love with the 80's music of Phil Collins
1992: discover Led Zeppelin, U2 and the Ramones (i played my mix tapes of these bands nonstop)
1993: An oh-so-brief country music phase
1994: Becomes a Kiss fanatic (something about a 12 year old singnig the lyrics to stuff like "Ladies Room" and "Plaster Caster" seems mildly disturbing to me now)
1995: AC/DC, old Aerosmith, Dazed and Confused soundtrack
1996: Get into Garbage, Republica, Frente
1998: Kiss fandom dies out. Discover Blue Oyster Cult and Thin Lizzy. Gets serious about Maiden and Megadeth. Begins a few years of Dio fanaticism. And rediscovers a little album called "Operation: Mindcrime".
1999: Bought Queensryche's "Rage For Order" album. More progressive and strange than "Operation: Mindcrime". I credit this album with really opening up my ears to more bizarre and eclectic music... and developing my love for keyboards and synths (I used to be anti-keyboard).
2000: A two-fold excursion into the worlds of underground prog/power metal and 70's prog-rock. I discovered many prog and metal related websites and discussion forums that aided my unquenchable thirst for challenging music. Notable discovers in 2000: Blind Guardian (whom I now loathe!), Stratovarius (likewise), Crimson Glory, Jag Panzer, Dream Theater, Spiral Architect (made me feel ill... my first taste of tech-metal), Gentle Giant, King Crimson and 70's Genesis. Encountered Demonspell on Iron Maiden BB and have trusted his musical opinions ever since.
2001: Perhaps my most prolific musical year. I probably bought more cd's that year than any other. I discovered many of my current favorite bands (Evergrey, Symphony X, Pain of Salvation, Zero Hour, Conception, Enchant). 2001 and 2000 still rank as my favorite years for music.
2002: The seeds are planted for my interest in lighter, slower music. I discover Anathema's "Judgement" and "Fine Day" and Katatonia's "Last Fair Deal". I also discover Porcupine Tree.
2003: Interest in power metal wanes.
2004: This is when I really start to get into non-metal and simpler forms of music. I get into all sorts of 80's pop like Roxy Music's "Avalon", Talk Talk's "Colour of Spring", Tears for Fears' "Songs From The Big Chair, Sting's "Soul Cages", The Police's "Synchronicity", The Blue Nile's "Hats", etc. I also start to explore post-rock, trip-hop and some more contemporary underground pop. My taste in music gets much more delicate and gay.
2005: Marillion.
1998: Offsrping , me & my closest friend met someone who listen to Offspring too , he gets me into Megadeth ( Cryptic Writings) , Pantera , Fear Factory , Angra , Sileverchair , Fuel , Maiden etc...
2000: Symphony X , Dream Theater , Metallica (first period) etc.. , my favorite genre is melodeath : Soilwork & In Flames especially.
2001 : I buy Puritanical Europhic Misanthropia after being blown away by track 2 (don't laugh :p) , I dig the album very much and I discover Opeth around the same time ; Blackwater Park & the Dimmu are my references for a while.Devin Townsend is my favorite artist with Terria and Ocean Machine
2002: Discovering music websites as http://www.gutsofdarkness.com (french site , very complete dealing with all kinds of music , from Black Metal to Jazz , electronic , classic , industrial , all kinds of Gothic etc..) , I trust them more and more , and like the general editorial and way of rating.I dig the Opeth catalogue with the release of Deliverance , and discover bands like Arcturus , Carcass , Agalloch , Septic Flesh , Emperor ...
2003 : While getting into BM with early Dimmu & Emperor , I become bored of PEM , I can't listen to it anymore .. a progressive decline. Later Enslaved , In the Woods... and Solefald , I trust certain reviewer who are still trustworthy today , I became closer to some .
2003 : Neurosis discovery with ASTNS , massive postcore attack , then all kinds of core except metal"crap"core.Ulver , Tehni , Empyrium . RC and UM (Opeth forum) consulting ..
2004: Massive opening of different styles : rock ( dredg , oceansize ) , anathema , massive attack , in slaughter natives , elend , motw, kayo dot , dissection , nm , and all..
2005 : We will see, I apreciate Rock much more than before :)
i owe a lot to my older brother phil and his brief period of metalness.
1986- i figgered out how to work the turntable and spent my days listening to kiss and iron maiden records.
late 80's-mtv had me into guns n roses, whitesnake, poison, motley crue, bullet boys, def leppard.
1990-had just gone to my first kiss concert and met them a while later(extreme obsession now). metallica, queensryche, faith no more, and depeche mode had taken ahold.
1993-PANTERA omg!! and to find out they partied out by my great grandma's house out in the boonies= ultra coo'
1996-fear factory! and hard time radio in dallas introduces me to the likes of iced earth, deicide, kreator but i didn't listen to the show much. oh oh and my dream of seeing the original members of kiss in concert came true! score!
1997-first queensryche concert!! :headbang: around this time my brother started steering away from metal and i was left on my own.
1999-was listening to sevendust(first album only), tool, and that EEEWWIRRDDS underground stuff i was hearing on the radio once a week. also first tried this "growl" thing and annoyed my family with my lil tape recorder.
and by 2001 i was teh elite. i first heard nevermore that year when i bought dead heart in a dead world for no particluar reason, knowing nothing about them. but to think where would i be now if i never bought that?o_O (nevermore played a major roll in major events in my life). hmmm first heard samael that year too. sexy.

nowadays: all of the above, and still discovering.
1992: I am watching "One" in MTV and i immedietally go to buy "And Justice For All". I listen to every single moment im not sleeping/having school
1993: All i had was Metallica discography, so i go to a metal records shop and they say to me that Metallica played thrash metal, so i should buy Slayer. My ears hurt a lot. When i ask for something softer than Slayer, they recommend me Black Sabbath. Felt in love with them with the first note.
1994: I start to buy metal records consciously (or how is that spelled). Manowar, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Slayer - i start collecting discographies.
1995: The Greek Metal Hammer has some features that were really intriguing to me : "15 essential power metal albums" - "15 essential prog metal albums". These features probably made me what i am now. Astonished by the reviews of some albums in these features, i buy Fates Warning, Queensryche, Mind Over Four, Gamma Ray, Helloween, Running Wild etc. I cant understand most of the things i listen to, but i try. Slowly they are growing on me in a huge rate of admirance.
1996: I read a review of Psychotic Waltz's "Bleeding" in the greek Metal Hammer, it gets 9/10 and the writer reviews the album, like he is writing lyrics. I buy it. My life was never the same. Nevermore release "In Memory" and i purchase - another love affair starts. Some months before it i watch my first metal concert: Savatage.
1997: I wear my first metal t-shirts: Manowar, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Queensryche. Some classmates listen to metal and we make a good "gang". Other classmates say that we are immature and we should get some nice clothes for a change. In a trip the "mature others" get drunk with 3-4 glasses of whiskey and throw up like maniacs. The .. "metal gang" totally enjoys the incident. In April i am watching Iced Earth/Nevermore, totally unforgetabble moment. Welcome doom metal, with me buying Solitude Aeturnus' "Downfall" and my first (and favourite until now) black metal album: "Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk".
1998: This was the "concert year" . I saw Death, Saviour Machine, Blind Guardian, Bruce Dickinson, Slayer, Helloween, Cannibal Corpse, Virgin Steele/Riot, Dream Theater. Last year in school too. Im starting digging "cult" prog metal and power metal, i am the absolute prog/power metal fan.
1999: I star to dig non metal stuff. Prog rock mainly. Rush, Yes, Eloy , Kansas , Pink Floyd. Its a nice break, for some months i listen only to prog rock/hard rock from 70s.
2000: I have a boner for underground global epic heavy metal from the 80s, and NWOBHM. Manilla Road, Cirith Ungol, Heavy Load, Gotham City, Sortilege, Gargoyle, Apollo Ra, etc. For 1 year i listen mainly to that material
2001: I go out of the country to see a metal concert for the first time : "Wacken Open Air". Im excited for seeing Jag Panzer finally. (gay mode starts) I am falling in love with an Italian girl there who is wearing a Fates Warning "No Exit tour" t-shirt, and we are together for 2 days!!!. I never saw her since then (end of gay mode)
2002: Im taking a break from all the epic metal madness. I am seeing Manilla Road live though and CANDLEMASS and im excited. I start to dig kraut rock and underground 70s material.
2003: Im being an shitty elitist, i hate to see crappy bands like Pain of salvation and Opeth getting all the attention, where other SO MUCH MORE WORTHY bands (of the same "genre") are ignored. I start to despise mp3s and all about them. All people around me learn metal from mp3s and Opeth, while we used to learn metal from Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath. Fuck
2004-2005: You already read some in R.C. have fun
that was cool
1990-2000: I listen to classical music. other kids ridicule me. sometime in this timespan my sister introduces me to Our Lady Peace (back when they were a rock band mind you, and not Bob Rock-inspired tepid trash radio music). Later on my sister brings home "The Black Album" which she borrowed from her boyfriend. I listen to it and go :eek:.
2001: I begin looking around for more stuff, while more or less listening to Metallica. I get into the big four of thrash. Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax. (I also begin to realize how much of a sellout metallica is)
2002: introduction to Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, Motorhead and other classic stuff. Also introduction to In Flames.
2003: Continued progression along the lines of Century Media and Nuclear Blast stuff. Introduction to Opeth & Nevermore, Death and introduction to Black and Doom metal with Immortal,My Dying Bride, Mourning Beloveth. First contact with the greatest song ever (Det Som Engang Var) occurs in October and spins me off on a new path in my life.
2004: Continued progress along these lines. Discovered Royal Carnage in first half of the year. discovery of Drudkh in March with the release of Autumn Aurora, life is changed again. Relization that 90% of death metal and melodeath is crap. Discovered NSBM and progress in that area is accelerated by discovering a good distro with no end of excellent music. I believe that 2004 marked my REAL entry into the world of underground metal.
2005: ---> continuing on...
IOfTheStorm said:
2003: Im being an shitty elitist, i hate to see crappy bands like Pain of salvation and Opeth getting all the attention, where other SO MUCH MORE WORTHY bands (of the same "genre") are ignored. I start to despise mp3s and all about them. All people around me learn metal from mp3s and Opeth, while we used to learn metal from Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath. Fuck

Well said.
1986-1998: not that musically inclined. Listened to parents' music (bluegrass/country, the Beatles, musicals.)
1999: discovered modern music. First stuff like the Offspring, Smashmouth, and so on; then on to a heavier breed of total crap, such as Limp Bizkit & Korn. I was an angry 13 year-old, what the hell did I know?
2000: bought Reload, went WTF BATMAN, as this was much better than everything else I listened to. Bought Kill 'Em All and was promptly reduced to a quivering mass of jelly. After reconstituting body, bought Garage Inc and began digging on Sabbath, BÖC, Mercyful Fate, etc. Also picked up a Judas Priest album at the urging of a friend.
2001: checked out Maiden, then wasted a great deal of time in an ill-conceived attempt at liking punk. Gave up and bought an Iced Earth album. Enjoyed greatly. Joined Iced Earth's official message board. Somewhere along the line, bought a Dismember album.
2002: With the power of the Intarweb, began finding lesser known bands–both newer (Nevermore, Blind Guardian) and older (Overkill, Death Angel.) Also began forming the opinion that a great deal of modern metal was crap. Opinion was firmly based on friend buying many Opeth and In Flames albums.
2003: elitism hits like a sledgehammer to the balls. Realized I like THRASH, and JUDAS FUCKING PRIEST, and all else is CRAP. Especially FAGGOTY MODERN BULLSHIT METAL. This is further crystallized in my escapades on various metal boards, starting with Nevermore on UM and continuing onwards. Explored death metal and black metal scenes, and realized that Dismember album I bought a couple years back was much better than I gave it credit for, but most of those scenes was not for me.
2005: world fucking domination.
1993: I mainly listen to Ugly Kid Joe, some Guns n Roses, some Metallica and some Aerosmith, Spin Doctor's "Two Princes" etc, but I don't really listen to music that much at all.

December 1994: I hear the Offspring's "Self Esteem", Green Day's "Basket Case" and "Welcome To Paradise", and my life is changed forever. I was only 8, but this music appealed to me in a way that music had never appealed to me before.

1995: I buy Offspring's "Smash" in April. It's still one of my favourite albums of all time. I also borrow my sister's Green Day singles and their full length, "Dookie", a lot. I also enjoy dance/techno music such as Scooter, some hip hop/rap (NAS, 2 Pac, etc). I become addicted U2's "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" and other popular singles, such as Cypress Hill's "Throw Your Set In The Air".

1996: My mainstream year no. 1. I buy Luniz' "I Got 5 On It" single, Skee-Lo's "I Wish", etc. I never enjoy mainstream pop, however, it's always rap or techno.

1997: My mainstream year no. 2. I enjoy techno/electronica songs such as "7 Days And One Week", Snack's "Overdose", Scooter's "Fire" (I actually still like that track) and other popular techno hits from Europe. I'm introduced to some bands/songs that I still rather enjoy, on German TV whilst on holiday in Spain - Charlie Lownoise & Mental Theo, Apollofourforty (these guys still smoke!), Supergrass (In It For The Money rocks!), and the ALMIGHTY DIE TOTEN HOSEN. The "Azzuro" video changed my life. I buy The Offspring's "Ixnay On The Hombre", and am yet again hooked on punkrock.

1998: Search every damn CD shop in Norway, England, Spain etc. for Die Toten Hosen records, but to no avail. I buy the Swedish punk sampler "Cheap Shots 2" in March, featuring bands such as Millencolin, No Fun At All and Satanic Surfers. Best buy ever.

1999: Buys the entire back catalogues (almost) of many of the new, fresh, hot Swedish punkbands that I had just discovered.

2000: Finally finds a Die Toten Hosen record, buys it, and my life is changed YET AGAIN. It's incredible. I'm hardcore on punkrock this year too.

2001: Punkrock 4 life!!!!!!1 Rancid, NOFX, Millencolin, etc.

2002: Still a HUGE punkrock fan. A friend introduces me to metal - and I find myself loving Dimmu Borgir's "Mourning Palace", Aeternus' "And So The Night Became", Satyricon's "Dark Medieval Times" and Ragnarok's "Diabolical Age". I buy Emperor's "Anthems.." and Arcturus' "Asperia Hiems Symfonia" 30.12.2002 (or maybe the day before that). I'm now a keen follower of (mainly melodic) black metal.

2003: ADSL is installed in February 2003, and I download a shitload of black metal records. I prefer the Norwegian black/viking scene, but I also quite like some death metal, and of course punk/ska/hardcore (the usual stuff).

2004: I still love black metal, but death metal becomes my favourite genre, especially the more brutal and intense bands of the genre. My DM/BM tastes become slightly more underground and slightly less melodic. Punk still rules.

2005: Pretty much the same as 2004.
1985(birth)-1998 I wasn't really a serious music-listener during this time ,just went with whatever came on.

1999 Started listening to radio-rock and numetal, loved it at the time.
2000 Getting sick of numetal, start moving towards classic rock.. Led Zep, Floyd,etc. and more melodic modern rock.. Our Lady Peace, Treble Charger (old), other Kanadian bands, etc. I'm a big Tool fan starting when Lateralus is released, I pick up all their albums in a short period

2001-2002 move from classic rock to Metallica, then Sabbath, start to dabble into the underground (Emperor, Meshuggah, some other shit) but not at all seriously since it mostly sounded like noise at the time :p

late 2002 Getting bored of most popular music, I search for bands similar to Tool in hopes of finding something weird, and for some reason the search copes up with Opeth

2003 Much of this year is spent in OMG OPETH ROOLZ!1 mode, listening to little else, buying all their albums, etc. I also become a fan of Katatonia, Edge of Sanity, and possibly some other Swedish stuff. Near the end of the year, my Opeth fanboyism is fading and I start listening to Edge of Sanity's "Crimson" fanatically!

2004 Love for Katatonia develops, but not insane fanboyism like with Opeth.
I discover 29302498289289 other underground bands via random searches and web forums (RC included as of middle 2004) and continue to explore this vast underground. I also start liking some folk, ambient, and go back to some rock. biggest development: Bathory becomes my favourite band and likely won't change for a LONG time!

2005 pretty much a continuation. I have a lot of back-catalogue-collecting to do before focusing on new releases, but i'll try to balance it out for this year.
2000 - listened to metallica, megadeth, kreator, morbid angel etc

2001- got "blackwater park" by opeth, and discoverd alot of bands

2002- got into local toronto metal, ala Woods of ypres, Lapitdate, etc

2003 - listned to alot of black metal, and avant garde metal , like Taake, and Solefald

2004 - countined to listen to local t.o metal, and discover more bands thru RC
also got into middle eastern and egyptian metal like Orphaned Land, Melechesh( also saw live) Nile, etc

2005 - listen to stuff I usally woundn't like arcade fire, and mars volta
Wow, this thread totally rocks. I wrote it at 2:26am? I didn't think I was still coherent then.

I forgot to mention a lot of real important bands, I'll probably go back and edit mine later. King Crimson, Alice in Chains, Faith No More, and a few others were pretty much life-changing for me.