Why Do You Think A Lot of Metalheads Also Enjoy Listening To...

Dec 4, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Why Do You Think A Lot of Metalheads Also Enjoy Listening To Industrial, Electronic, EBM bands etc? I happen to love metal but I also really like industrial and electronic bands. I know a lot of metalheads are into the samething.
Yes, but why is it okay for me to like it? I wouldn't be looked down upon if I listen to it. If I said I love pop music and rap, I'd be looked down on as if I wasn't a metal head.
What I'm saying is, is industrial still "metal" although it's not considered metal?

Some ppl are looked down on just because ppl don't respect their music taste, nothing to do about that. There will always be ppl who do look down on you, some just find it an excuse to do so because you listen to other music but in fact they are just closed-minded ignorant little retards who shouldn't be paid attention to.
Some ppl are looked down on just because ppl don't respect their music taste, nothing to do about that. There will always be ppl who do look down on you, some just find it an excuse to do so because you listen to other music but in fact they are just closed-minded ignorant little retards who shouldn't be paid attention to.

Very true... are you into industrial and all that electronic music?
I've never had a thing for
- rap (except the real shit like Ice T, Public Enemy, Ice Cube etc).
- hip/hop
- r'n'b
- country (although I can sometimes handle alt. country)
- industrial

Oh and I can't STAND today's pathetic excuse for dance music. No one has any fucking idea how to produce good house music anymore.

Otherwise, there's not much that I don't like.
I fancy the industrial flair in my metal. It works well with black metal especially with bands like Aborym, The Axis of Perdition, and Samael.

But as for pure industrial metal or industrial, Rammstein is as far as I go. Never was a fan of bands like Fear Factory or Red Harvest.
not to mention Godflesh (edit: @Zeph)

a number of metal bands have incorporated the "industrial"/electronic element into their music...some do it well, and others don't. the ones that do it well often expose their listeners to something they haven't heard before (such as industrial music or electronic), and then the listener starts to wander down that road looking for strictly electronic/industrial artists to try things out and whatnot.

I'm all for experimenting/mixing genres as long as it's done tastefully
I've never had a thing for
- rap (except the real shit like Ice T, Public Enemy, Ice Cube etc).
- hip/hop
- r'n'b
- country (although I can sometimes handle alt. country)
- industrial

Oh and I can't STAND today's pathetic excuse for dance music. No one has any fucking idea how to produce good house music anymore.

Otherwise, there's not much that I don't like.

It's not that noone can produce any good dance music it's just that they're mostly in it for the money not the music.
Oh and I can't STAND today's pathetic excuse for dance music. No one has any fucking idea how to produce good house music anymore.

That's like someone saying "I can't STAND today's pathetic excuse for metal. No one has any fucking idea how to produce good thrash anymore." There's plenty of quality electronica/dance music being made if you do some digging, and there's plenty of more interesting styles happening now than House music.
I'm still waiting to hear someone really incorporate electronic or industrial really well with metal. What I've heard has been either mediocre (Thorns) or horrible (...and Oceans). I must say it's not something I go out of my way to listen to anyway.