You know who you should sign?

Also, we are not goblin pirates. We think pirates are dumb and should die. If you're referring to goblins ahoy, the pirates find goblin island and then proceed to die there... Actually pretty much the whole song is goblins killing pirates. It's pretty awesome.

Also, in regards to the deathcore thing... Never mind the fact that you're taking us too seriously, I completely don't understand how you get that from our music.

From what I know of the band, they're great guys. Tim's Halo endorsement is a nice bonus, and they just pwnd a local battle of the bands. The music is light hearted and fun, and I personally think its nice to see some humor in metal.
This band bores me...they seem like a big joke. You might as well just go for the "Deathcore" thing and be like every other nu american band that thinks they're Death Metal but in fact they are just trying to protect their shyness from true reality when in fact they hate metal and in fact just do it because it's popular for high school kids to like atm.


I hate!! and like some deathcore bands... some just piss me off because many try to act brutal and look like scene losers. But where did you get that "they hate metal and in fact just do it because it's popular for high school kids" the second part is most definately true... stupid little mallcores...
The labels are in a slump because they sign too many shit bands and don't make back their profit. It will probably be quite some long time until they start signing new acts again. And then you never know if they'll go for something as risky as a goblin band.
This reminds me of what would happen if Avenged Sevenfold, a goblin pirate who played accordion, and the band Unearth got into a train wreck.
Props for uniqueness though... and the music is definitely not bad.