YOU MUST HEAR Divina Enema


...I am just thin air...
Jul 12, 2001
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I don't know why I never posted this before, but here goes.
Divina Enema is a band from Belarus I have been listening to for about a year, and immediately their album became one of my top of all time. It has not had very much distribution at all, though is one of the most unique listens I have ever had. They have one full length release called At the Conclave which I believe can be bought from for 7 American Dollars. I don't want to give a big review of it, because it really has to be heard, but it is most comparable to Arcturus- La Masquerade Infernale, but in my opinion better. for sounds... If you must know I would recommend the songs Nightmare and Handful of Hay.
That was just self released wasn't it? I unfortunately can't get a copy of it, but have heard about it... I don't remember the title being just "Shine" though, wasn't it something longer?