Your opinion


El Jefe
Dec 1, 2001
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Just wondering, I bought the regular version of Watershed, not the special edition. Now tell me...would it be worth it if I bought this special edition for the bonus tracks or would it be a total waste of my money? ( yes I know I should of bought the special edition in the first place, but they didn't have it at my local record shop).

Please advise.

It is certainly worth the extra coin. The dvd is most enjoyable, and also the extra tracks are killer. And the case is cool. It is very special edition-y and that is a good thing. Even if I hated Opeth I'd buy the special edition because also it is fun to open and close and also it is a nice material and it is also ideal for holding cds in, I'd certainly go for the special edition because think about it any extra money you have is going to pretty much the greatest band ever so yeah I'd say get it for certain.
Ive been out of the loop around here. Does the special edition come with the original's cover? Is the SE cover a slipcase or no?
No its not worth it. Just return your regular WS and then buy special edition. Unless your rich, but I am not so I wouldn't buy both. Thats just dumb.
I have the SE and I'm actually thinking of buying the regular one as the "beater", so I don't ruin the SE.

Ha! That's actually not a half bad idea......... Have one for trips or when some idiot asks to borrow it and you realize that there aren't just scratches, but gouges and it has no chance to run. (I've had that happen to me before......)
The packaging is reason enough to get the SE. However imo the DVD is lacking.
I wish there was more rehearsal footage, but I'll survive. The tracks are a nice
addition too, if only you can figure out how to get them onto your computer.
The documentary is rad,

Wow, I didn't think I'd see the '80s word "rad" used again, especially in a forum like this. ;)

the bonus tracks are quite good, especially Bridge of Sighs.

This. Exactly this. I love the Bridge Of Sighs cover, and the other two tracks aren't bad either.

I just wish that the bonus tracks had been on the CD instead of (or in addition to) the DVD. Most of my music listening is done at work on a CD player, not at home on a DVD player!
its a bit anal considering that playing a cd doesnt usually damage a disc too much. hell, you only buy the damn thing in the first place to play it. it doesnt have much other use than that.

saying that though, i rarely use cd players and just rip the cd straight to the computer and play it that way.