Recent content by Efrahate

  1. E

    New to Persuader

    Hehe, no problem Jocke...I can honestly recommend everybody to check out the new Assailant video/song "A day tomorrow". Umeå's Evergrey? ;) Great stuff!
  2. E

    PERSUADER to enter studio in May

    We haven't really decided yet, if so than it will be "only" for the mixing part. We'll do everything else ourselves.
  3. E

    PERSUADER to enter studio in May

    Yeah I think it was mostly (tweaked) EZdrummer, with different cymbals if I remember correctly. Mattias may have changed stuff around a little, he just tried different sounds until we were satisfied.
  4. E

    PERSUADER to enter studio in May

    Elminster: I'll check it out for sure, but I think we'll try to mix and match a whole bunch of sounds to get something a bit unique. As for the Blabbermouth news, it's up on the dockyard1 site (but not our own :goggly: ). Time to get to work!
  5. E

    Just out of curiosity

    Now there's an idea for the merchandise department...Start printing Emil!
  6. E

    Oh by the way..

    ....Happy New Year everybody! :rock:
  7. E


    It's supposed to be "visualize", I guess Jens suffered from the European accent. Or maybe he still is, not sure if it's audible on the other albums? :goggly:
  8. E

    Just out of curiosity

    Hehe, great suggestions! :lol: You're all hereby dubbed KIPS....Knights In Persuader's Service
  9. E

    Just out of curiosity

    Religion is an interesting topic to write about, but I wouldn't call any of us overly religious. Believe in yourself (and Persuader). ;)
  10. E

    Want to help PERSUADER come to the US? READ ME =)

    Awesome initiative, thanks a bunch Squeak!
  11. E

    US tour?

    In Paris, Lyon if I remember correctly, with Metalium. Awesome show, the audience was crazy! :rock: It was just after the France release of Hunter, so the year must have been 2000.
  12. E

    US tour?

    Well we _have_ played France once..and you missed us? Tsk tsk... :D
  13. E

    Nightingale at MartoHell Oktober Fest

    live for the sacred empire..... LETS GO CRAZY!! :rock:
  14. E

    The breathing zzzhadow

    So, I just put my girl to sleep to "Eye for an eye", seems to work every time. :goggly: Do you find "The breathing shadow" to be a "sleep album" so to speak? Or does the ending scream put you off? ;)
  15. E

    To the hardcore Edge of Sanity fans

    Oh dear, how I want an Unorthodox shirt....All I've got is the Purgatory afterglow tee. :erk: