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  1. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Things you hate about Ireland

    Ballykissangel. The lack of forests. Or even woods. Or even two fucking trees within a mile of each other. The Cult of The Beautiful People in Temple Bar and all along the Liffey. Superstitious country folk who REALLY DO believe in ghosts and fucking goblins. Medieval attitudes...
  2. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Is hunting ethical?

    I respect both sides of this issue. I don't understand people who eat meat but are anti-hunting, though. It's okay to confine animals in pens and slaughter them, but hunting an animal in the wild (whose odds of survival are much better, obviously) is wrong?
  3. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    The Norse: not the last pagans in Europe!

    It is astonishing to think that Lithuania was not converted to Christianity until 1410 (officially), and that the populace kept their pagan beliefs for two-three centuries afterwards in rural areas. I have even read one article that asserted the continuance of pagan beliefs in rural parts of...
  4. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    I hate idealistic young leftists

    Few things are more annoying, indeed more loathsome, than the idealistic young left-winger. They are found in America, the UK, Australia, and also in continental Europe. Invariably the product of affluence... Here are some ways in which you might identify them: --Che Guevara t-shirts...
  5. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Bruder Cle is the coolest man in the world.

    I thought you should know that.
  6. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Do you believe in God (or a 'higher power'?)

    The percentage of educated, otherwise intelligent people who believe in God is astonishing. How can this be, in the year 2004? Something like 95% of Americans believe in the existence (and continued presence) of God... so it isn't just the toothless, Bible-thumbing twats in Alabama...
  7. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Would you eat human flesh?

    We're all nice people here and we'd never do anything illegal to obtain it ;) but would you--in theory--try human flesh if the opportunity were presented to you? The people who so famously crashed in the Andes in the 70s survived on the flesh of dead passengers, and they claimed it tasted...
  8. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Where was the Mine is Yours video shot?

    I can't think of any forested areas around Liverpoop... did you 'ave to travel far? Also, where in the 'ell did you find that catacomb in which Duncan and John brandished torches?
  9. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Are Anathema from Toxteth?

    I hope not! :tickled: Lovely place, Toxteth. Never again, never again... you wander in in search of a pint, you wander out without your wallet, your jacket, and your sense of humour. BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!! :yuk:
  10. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Roger Moore-era James Bond... criminally underrated. People always go on and on about the Connery era, and yes, Sean is the top Bond. That said, the Moore era has a certain undeniable charm. It has really become overshadowed- just as the Coverdale/Hughes era of Deep Purple has. Octo-bloody-pussy? Come ON! CLASSIC...
  11. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    First Gunther Theys, next A. Nemtheanga- who's next to shave their head?

    Who... WHO, I say, shall be the first in Anathema to go chrome-dome? I suppose John Douglas already qualifies... sort of? When the receding hairline reaches a certain point, going under the razor is the only dignified thing to do. The Ben Franklin look is not on! :)
  12. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Are To-Mera and Without Face still around?

    I've only read one interview with T-M about a year ago, and have heard nothing more since; and WF seem to have vanished from the face of the earth. Any news on either, anyone?
  13. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Danny's guitar sound

    It sounds like late summer evenings, when it's still warm but you feel just a hint of autumn on the breeze. His swells are instantly recognisable. People always trot out the tired Floyd/RHead comparisons, but they actually sound like the Eagles. At least on 'Flying', with its warm yet...
  14. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    A poem for my friend Har*

    I 'ave penned cette homage to my so dear friend Har*. I 'ope you will all like it. The Finn Who Couldn't Win Har, Har, from love was he so far. Traversing the tundra of Northern Finland without a car. Met a Lapp, did he, a dame on skiis Cooking turnip casserole, not so easy to...
  15. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    What's the most erotic thing you've ever seen?

    For me, it is when I see this, how you say, portly English lady Nigella Bites eating her food. I tell you, when I see her chomping on a stalk of rhubarb... vraiment! Je voudrais decouvrir son huitre! I don't think anyone ever watches her show for the 'cooking'. I do, but I like to see her...
  16. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Hey Danny Cavanagh:

    Do you or John sing on the new album? It's been rumoured that the mighty J.D. would indeed croon on an album since Judgment, but I ain't heard nuttin' yet. Well, aside from that "Chickens" opus...
  17. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Hey Duncan P. Patterson:

    What do you think of Ship of Fools and The Blood Divine? The former are great warm-yet-rainy summer music, and the latter were Brit Metal's biggest hope. The next Deep Purple, even!