Would you eat human flesh?

Jun 19, 2003
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We're all nice people here and we'd never do anything illegal to obtain it ;)
but would you--in theory--try human flesh if the opportunity were presented to you?
The people who so famously crashed in the Andes in the 70s survived on the flesh of dead passengers, and they claimed it tasted remarkably like beef.
A few primitive tribes still practice ritual cannibalism, in deepest darkest Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Brazil.
In these instances it's ritualistic, not an actual food source, but they have scorned the taboo against eating one's one kind.

I'm starting to see a cure for world famine here... any third-worlders too lazy or primitive to obtain sufficient sustenance, take note.
humans eating humans probably isnt very healthy and id say its quite tough meat so I'd only do it if needs be.

Someone i know has a great story about eating dog without knowing it :tickled:

also assuming that humans dont just drop dead when the necessisty arises, would you kill someone to eat their flesh?? o_O

If you were very very hungry??

and didnt like the person.
I also reckon the meat would have to female, (eating a bloke wouldnt really be on) young and healthy.

oh, hello vikki

*smiles (but not with eyes)*
Id ask whether you were referring to me there but I dont think anyone else spells it like that.

But no Bambi..You may not eat me. (In a cannibal way before any dickhead starts)

I wouldnt have a problem with what sex they were as long as they were skinned and cooked and with onions and loadsa pepper like.
I guess I would. And females are softer, young hens are also softer than cocks. So it means I wouldn't be the first :D
Vinz from 'La Haine' said:
A few primitive tribes still practice ritual cannibalism, in deepest darkest Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Brazil.

Brazil? Where the hell did you read this ? I'm from Brazil and I dont know any primitive tribes that practice ritual cannibalism.
I've had this conversation before, and some people were really shocked, but my answer would have to be: definitely! One time, why not? ... when presented, it'd be fascinating to know what it tasted like. Same as human skulls make great ornaments (especially when fitted with flashing LEDs up through that hole where your neck bone goes)