Aggressive Atheism


but I didnt watch that, Im too tired but my opinion from your topic title JG is that such a attitude is equally as pathetic as intencely posessed Christians. Thus adding to my arguement that far too many people get caught in the distractions of pointing fingers rather than minding and simply going about their own business. I suppose the one bad apple spoils it for the whole bunch theory. Radicalness in anything other than dragging our "leaders" to the gallows for their over all fuckheadedness of everyones needs is only playing into their game of finger pointing distraction.

I'll be so happy the day I can finally word this thing Im trying to say correctly, accurately and tactfully.... time for bed..... so for now lets just say I fucking hate politicians and anything related to powertrippin... the only human "sin"
Apparently you don't the definition of Atheism.

Theist believe in a god or gods. Atheist have NO BELIEF of god or gods. THE DIFFERENCE.....IS.... A LACK OF BELIEF. That is the opposite of what a belief is. Because generally christians are stupid fuckheads who live in a one dimentional thought process could never understand what it means to NOT believe in something.

So why are people athiest?

Because it makes more sense to not believe in something that isn't proveable then to believe in something that could never be proven.
Does God exist? God is an Abstract Idea, and as such cannot exist.
Who knows? No one
Who Cares? No one should care
Why would it matter?
Because believing in something that has yet to be proven and lacks any real verifiable evidence causes your brain to be able to accept other nonsense and ultimately disrupts your logical processes because it is use to going to abstract Ideas for facts instead of things we can sense or record.

What is the difference between the babbling mental patient who hallucinates voices and experiences which clearly are not real and the person standing in church claiming to hear voices or having feelings.... they are both hallucinations and when you believe them you are no longer SANE.
What is the difference between the babbling mental patient who hallucinates voices and experiences which clearly are not real and the person standing in church claiming to hear voices or having feelings.... they are both hallucinations and when you believe them you are no longer SANE.

Joining in with one's culture is a fucking handy option at times. Even handier than not believing rubbish. Hardly insane.
So why are people athiest?

Because it makes more sense to not believe in something that isn't proveable then to believe in something that could never be proven.
Does God exist? God is an Abstract Idea, and as such cannot exist.
Who knows? No one
Who Cares? No one should care
Why would it matter?
Because believing in something that has yet to be proven and lacks any real verifiable evidence causes your brain to be able to accept other nonsense and ultimately disrupts your logical processes because it is use to going to abstract Ideas for facts instead of things we can sense or record.
That's up to your concept of God. If you thinnk of God as an entity finite, has a physical shape (such as Jesus), then yes, you cannot prove his devine nature, but according to that concept. So before talking about God, you should define what God is or what he is not. EDIT: Sometimes you can't prove God's existence according to a concept A, but if you work according to a concept B, you might prove it.
How deep did you dig in this subject? Just curious.
Seriously. I would assume any godlike entity would not fit in nice 3rd dimension scientific boxes. Yet athiests insist that a godlike entity must fit into this box.
That's up to your concept of God. If you thinnk of God as an entity finite, has a physical shape (such as Jesus), then yes, you cannot prove his devine nature, but according to that concept. So before talking about God, you should define what God is or what he is not. EDIT: Sometimes you can't prove God's existence according to a concept A, but if you work according to a concept B, you might prove it.
How deep did you dig in this subject? Just curious.

Deeper then you could imagine.

No matter what your definition of God or gods are, it still is only an Abstract Idea.

Plus there is always the great loop question of "Who created your god?"
For example, a thunder storm here is just a thunderstorm because of the progress we have made in science being able to understand how all the difference aspects of weather that lead to thunderstorms. Now if you believed in Zeus, you would more then likely believe that he Was throwing the lightning bolts from Mount Olympus. Why bother finding out why the storm is when you can just believe Zeus did it and the argument is settled.... in their minds.
In the same train of thought, the feelings people get and call it the holy spirit or whatnot, if it were to happen in another context would cease to have the same label in your experience and as such would loose the hold on your brain that God exists which gives those chuch leaders their power.
They purposely induce the state and feelings to hook you in.
The biggest scam ever created was religion, and we are all still paying for it, some are still buying it.
Or better yet. Its like buying a shell of an expensive sports car that is really old. You may look good on the outside, but when you open the hood, you see that is all just a bunch of broken valves, gaskets etc.

I want people to question their beliefs. Seriously consider what it is that they believe and even better, what reason they have to believe it. After intense introspection, you may begin to find that your beliefs in deities may be unfounded, influence on you while you were a still very impressionable child, and locking you into a substandard mindset about the world.
Deeper then you could imagine.
For example, a thunder storm here is just a thunderstorm because of the progress we have made in science being able to understand how all the difference aspects of weather that lead to thunderstorms. Now if you believed in Zeus, you would more then likely believe that he Was throwing the lightning bolts from Mount Olympus. Why bother finding out why the storm is when you can just believe Zeus did it and the argument is settled.... in their minds.
Science describes how things work through a specific approach. It doesn't tell you who is behind the whole network of causes, if it does exist.
If an atheist and theist are trying to find the original causes of any given phenomena, they may go on the same way but the terminus will be probably different. For example, the atheist will tell you that updraughts and water droplets and ice particles rub against each other causing electricity.On the other hand, the theist may agree with the atheist's explanation but he will claims that it's just the way God makes things work. But, both explanations still beg the same question : "who made it?"

In the same train of thought, the feelings people get and call it the holy spirit or whatnot, if it were to happen in another context would cease to have the same label in your experience and as such would loose the hold on your brain that God exists which gives those chuch leaders their power.
You can only feel that when you have certain beliefs. In other words, you feel in that particular way just because you hold certain set of beliefs that result that feeling? If so, i agree I'm not sure if that's what you meant lol

They purposely induce the state and feelings to hook you in.
The biggest scam ever created was religion, and we are all still paying for it, some are still buying it.
That is up to the religion. Take two simple examples, when Europe was in its dark ages, North Africa and the middle east was in its golden age. And the reasons are the very same, religion. But two different religions.
I want people to question their beliefs. Seriously consider what it is that they believe and even better, what reason they have to believe it. After intense introspection, you may begin to find that your beliefs in deities may be unfounded, influence on you while you were a still very impressionable child, and locking you into a substandard mindset about the world.
People should examine their or other's beliefs in a fairly. Without any prejudices or big heads. Put yourself in others' shoes in order to see things from their perspective to understand them.
Religion =/= The existence of a godlike entity.
No God created religion you are totally right!!!! OMG I can't believe I didn't see that before.....
It must just be the way God works ya know. I can't really say I understand much about the universe but I am so glad that god loves me. I know because I get that warm feeling in my chest when I think of HIM. Just like the first time it happened when I was at church and the preacher was very good. He really MADE ME BELIEVE in the power of the Lord Jesus CHRIST. I know that our Lord our Father has a mysterious way of working. It makes me sad when Gods plan is to give those closeset to us, those who are the most kind Cancer and takes them away to heaven so soon. I am just so Glad that I will meet up with them some day soon.[/sarcasm]

Get this. People are stupid. Get use to it. They don't know the answer to something so they say God did it. Well isnt' that convenient.
Yeah try searching youtube for the show Atheist Experience. You will learn more then I care to infer on this lame thread.
I think that Religious nuts hating Atheism is like retards hating smart people because they are smart. To everyone but the retard it all seems Inane and frivolous.
Science describes how things work through a specific approach. It doesn't tell you who is behind the whole network of causes, if it does exist.
If an atheist and theist are trying to find the original causes of any given phenomena, they may go on the same way but the terminus will be probably different. For example, the atheist will tell you that updraughts and water droplets and ice particles rub against each other causing electricity.On the other hand, the theist may agree with the atheist's explanation but he will claims that it's just the way God makes things work. But, both explanations still beg the same question : "who made it?"
No they don't. One says this is HOW IT HAPPENS BECAUSE WE CAN REPRODUCE IT, and the other says "I bet god made it like that so it'd be super cool and loud"

You can only feel that when you have certain beliefs. In other words, you feel in that particular way just because you hold certain set of beliefs that result that feeling? If so, i agree I'm not sure if that's what you meant lol
No, you feel things. It is your state of mind that connects the feelings to whatever fucked up thing is going on in your head.
Get this, I can create the EXACT SAME FEELING without the belief in god.That means, its all in your head from the very start. Never think that just because you are a certain way that others can't break free from being slaves to their emotions and able to critically think even in the most extreme conditions. Actually I know how to create NEW and BETTER feelings.

That is up to the religion. Take two simple examples, when Europe was in its dark ages, North Africa and the middle east was in its golden age. And the reasons are the very same, religion. But two different religions.
I don't know if this is somehow suppose to be an excuse for religions. They still are harmful. The Dark ages was caused by the church! IF the christians didn't burn so many libraries we would be so much more advanced! To hear about it makes me sick.

People should examine their or other's beliefs in a fairly. Without any prejudices or big heads. Put yourself in others' shoes in order to see things from their perspective to understand them.
I can easily model people. I tend to see subjects from both sides of the coin so I am well aware of what I am saying, and who I am saying it to.

If I met you I could really model you. You talk mostly in Kinesthetic (feelings based) person. Based on the words you use to describe things. If you are able to get that. I am more visual, but I am also no longer impoverished in my modalities of thinking. I overlap my modalites of thought so I can remember with pictures, with sounds, and feelings.
If I wanted to I could reply like this.....

"I agree that people can examine their own beleif's (or non beleifs as it is) or others In a fair and civil manner. Can you honestly really say you can truely search through someone elses belief's without bringing your filters and beliefs with you and not be a liar? Does it really take someone coming over there and shaking you violently to change your mind or just a slap to the face? Atheism is like having a Giant weight lifting off your shoulders Wearing other peoples shoes make your feet stink like that persons feet.
and you may feel a better connection and understanding with what I am saying, then again, you may not feel a better connection or understanding if you can't comprehend the subject matter to its full capacity, RIght?

Science is the only method of understanding that allows both a 'useful' (able to be coupled with other understanding in a productive fashion) knowledge of things along with the ability to explain it to others in a manner that lets them see for themselves.
Yeah try searching youtube for the show Atheist Experience. You will learn more then I care to infer on this lame thread.
I think that Religious nuts hating Atheism is like retards hating smart people because they are smart. To everyone but the retard it all seems Inane and frivolous.
Are you assuming that atheists are smarter than religious people? :lol:

I don't know if this is somehow suppose to be an excuse for religions. They still are harmful. The Dark ages was caused by the church! IF the christians didn't burn so many libraries we would be so much more advanced! To hear about it makes me sick.
Great that you got the point here. I said it before but I will say it again, religious people can never represent religion 100%. Cause religion is often based on documents with a set of (social, moral, political..) rules that religious people usually fail to put into practice due to their greediness, personal or others' interest or others' pressure and so on.
So these documents are what should be examined. Cause the disciples are nothing but the effect of the religious rules plus their personal lives and other (maybe social, economic, political) circumstances.

If I met you I could really model you. You talk mostly in Kinesthetic (feelings based) person. Based on the words you use to describe things. If you are able to get that.
I'm not sure that I got your point here lol.
No God created religion you are totally right!!!! OMG I can't believe I didn't see that before.....
It must just be the way God works ya know. I can't really say I understand much about the universe but I am so glad that god loves me. I know because I get that warm feeling in my chest when I think of HIM. Just like the first time it happened when I was at church and the preacher was very good. He really MADE ME BELIEVE in the power of the Lord Jesus CHRIST. I know that our Lord our Father has a mysterious way of working. It makes me sad when Gods plan is to give those closeset to us, those who are the most kind Cancer and takes them away to heaven so soon. I am just so Glad that I will meet up with them some day soon.[/sarcasm]

Get this. People are stupid. Get use to it. They don't know the answer to something so they say God did it. Well isnt' that convenient.

I very rarely meet happy athiests and you are no exception. I am sorry you have to carry this much bitterness around with you. I think it is amusing to continually focus on Catholicism (it's the easiest target) and ignore the dark ages satanism/demonology (voodoo, etc.) has kept the people who practice it in to this day. (Africa, South America, etc.

Organized religion through history has been nothing but man trying to put himself in the the place of a god and using a potentially holy text to do it. This does not mean there is not a godlike entity in existence that is about fed up with the mess man is making of his creation. Athiesm is a religion, it makes man god, but without any kind of text. But we can't actually create anything from nothing, so we are pretty shitty gods.
I very rarely meet happy athiests and you are no exception. I am sorry you have to carry this much bitterness around with you. I think it is amusing to continually focus on Catholicism (it's the easiest target) and ignore the dark ages satanism/demonology (voodoo, etc.) has kept the people who practice it in to this day. (Africa, South America, etc.

Organized religion through history has been nothing but man trying to put himself in the the place of a god and using a potentially holy text to do it. This does not mean there is not a godlike entity in existence that is about fed up with the mess man is making of his creation. Athiesm is a religion, it makes man god, but without any kind of text. But we can't actually create anything from nothing, so we are pretty shitty gods.

ən/ Show Spelled[ri-lij-uh
n] Show IPA
–noun1.a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

2.a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

3.the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.

4.the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.

5.the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.

6.something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.

7.religions, Archaic. religious rites.

8.Archaic. strict faithfulness; devotion: a religion to one's vow.

None of this describes atheism because atheism has no core beliefs rules or anything. It is only a lack of belief in the supernatural which has never been recorded to exist outside of the minds of people.

Oh and I am happy, for the most part. I just really really really hate religion. You could say I am a Religist. I truely believe (yes this is just a belief) that the would would be a better place if all religions where dismantled and destroyed.

Man is not god. Man is only an animal with higher states of reasoning. Some of our key abilites are being able to Hallucinate things for our survival.

Let me guess, evolution is wrong to you guys? The earth is really only 5000 years old right?
Oh and I am happy, for the most part. I just really really really hate religion. You could say I am a Religist. I truely believe (yes this is just a belief) that the would would be a better place if all religions where dismantled and destroyed.

Man is not god. Man is only an animal with higher states of reasoning. Some of our key abilites are being able to Hallucinate things for our survival.

Let me guess, evolution is wrong to you guys? The earth is really only 5000 years old right?

I don't think if atheists govern the world would make it a better place, really. A world governed by atheists is NOT a perfect world either.
I don't know why atheists, despite their indifference towards God, never stop talking and insulting (most of all) him. What's the difference between a person A who spends most of his time worshipping an non existing God and a person B who's insulting or complaining about A's way of life. NOTHING. They are both wasting their time in different ways.
As for evolution, I don't believe that apes are our incestors which was proven with Ardi. Apart from that, everything seems quite logical to me.

@Dakryn : I don't think that happiness is related to one's religious views only. It's up to their conception of life's virtue.

Why do religious people mock atheists and atheists never stop insulting the Gods of religions? Theological beliefs are not the cause, but it's people's sick mentality and intolerance. Humanity would be WAY better than what we are right now if we never CARED about each other's beliefs. All these debates about religion (and this thread included lol)with such nature are just a waste.of.time.
Are you assuming that atheists are smarter than religious people? :lol:

Great that you got the point here. I said it before but I will say it again, religious people can never represent religion 100%. Cause religion is often based on documents with a set of (social, moral, political..) rules that religious people usually fail to put into practice due to their greediness, personal or others' interest or others' pressure and so on.
So these documents are what should be examined. Cause the disciples are nothing but the effect of the religious rules plus their personal lives and other (maybe social, economic, political) circumstances.

I'm not sure that I got your point here lol. the people who practice and believe in a religion, they do not represent the religion, then who the hell does? A fucking book? it is just paper and words nothing more. Nothing divine about it. Just a book full of OLD stories, most of them ripped off from earlier religions.

So what is it that convinces you guys so much that a God exists. Do you think if there was no one to tell you about God that you would think one existed anyways, even if you knew a lot about the sciences? If you know there is a process to go through to gain knowledge reliably, why would you ever give up and say God did it, and that is all there is to it. That is just LAZY reasoning, or STUPID reasoning.

Why else would I use just that simile because in a way I do think that. Not smarter academically per say, but smart in the way that consistent with what they want.

Using your example above, shows to me that this "Religion" is full of rules that are counter to animal nature, and humans are only just animals. If these set of retard rules are actually adhered to it tends to make people miserable. Denying who you are and what you want is not a healthy practice. Especially if you think you will suffer a long time for doing those things you are not 'allowed' to by the big sky daddy.

The biggest question of all....... CAN YOU ACTUALLY PROVE GOD EXISTS?

SO far I have heard almost all the arguments presented by people and have yet found a definition or proof of any form of god that is in any way consistent.

So if god is not the god of holy texts, then please give me a definition of your belief in god. so that I can show you where your thinking is flawed.

Man->religion->God historically accurate
God->everything + man(jews) ->religion Fantasy of the religion.

Every wonder why a book created by the Jews says that the Jews are Gods chosen people? Because they wrote it that way. So they could tell all the stupid Goyim what to do. And guess what. It worked.

Then there is the book of Mormon........LOL
The crazy beliefs of the Jehovah Witness.....LOL(they believe in the end of the world, but is always changing the date of when its going to happen...)
Scientology is about as valid as any other crazy religion. Based on the biggest bunch of bullshit.
Muslims? Worship a big black rock.......seriously. The dome of the rock. Wtf is it from space or something?
Satanism, the actual concept and philosophy of man.
Occult satanism is the one that still believes in God, but think the real power is with the fallen angel Satan. Like the black mass, (doing the catholic mass in reverse) Human sacrifices and the like.
Wicca- Worshiping Nature, doing rituals with various materials, Still believes in supernatural and magic rituals.
Buddhism- Not technically a religion because Buddha himself said he was not a god. Although people have put Buddha as a godlike figure, or whats better known as an Ascended Master.
Egyptian Pantheon - First group of people to have an afterlife with judgment, a Sun story and resurrection story. Egyptians were the first to practice Monotheism when Amon-Ra became the only real god and that was The Sun.
Greek Pantheon- mostly just a personification of nature and abstract ideas.
I don't know a whole lot about voodoo, although I do know they are very ritualistic as well. Similar in many effects to the spells of Wicca.
I forgot about Hindu. There again is a pantheon of incarnations of Vishnu, Shiva etc.... One aspect of the Hindu beliefs I found interesting for a time from what I've read of it, was the concept of Atman. At least the practices of meditation, and things like Yoga are good that has stemmed through these religious beliefs even if the beliefs themselves hold no merit in reality.