ARIAs = Joke


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Isn't it great to see that the Australian music industry is doing so well that the same seven or eight artists can win just about everything. I think if I'd heard the words "Jet", "Eskimo Joe" or "John Butler Trio" one more time last night, I would have been physically ill. Seriously, why did they even bother with the night? The ARIAs has always rewarded high achievers and like 'em or hate 'em, Jet has been far and away the most successful Australian band in years. As if they weren't going to win. And Rove isn't funny. It was good to see Paul Kelly, the Oils and LRB get some recognition though. And Andrew G, wearing an Angels shirt. :headbang:

Oh yeah, and was it just me, or was Guy Sebastian's "performance" fucking boring?
I thought Guys performance was good, I didnt think he could pull off all those really high parts on the song but he did it really well.

The Arias however are a joke. Plain and simple. I have a theory. All you have to do is hang around in the Australian music industry long enough, or sell a shitload of records and you will get an Aria. Those are the ONLY criteria.

Missy Higgins is quite foxilicious too I must say.
Oh and Rove wasnt very good, I think he is funny sometimes but last night it was uncomfortable watching him crack jokes and just hearing the audience sit there quietly :)

I did like the bit where he asked Casey Chambers and her Husband who was looking after the baby though :lol:
I thought the best performances were at the end, with the band no longer allowed to call themselves Little River Band and the version of "Evie". It made me chuckle that they had a guy from Jet and a guy from You Am I in the same band, doing a Stevie Wright cover. At least you know they weren't going to fuck it up. :)
I went to bed about half way through, it was boring the fuck out of me :)

The highlight of the night had to be the guy from Jet saying something about Dicko. Im not entirely sure what the hell he was talking about, but it was entertaining nonetheless.
I found Jet to be nothing but a bunch of rude arrogant fucks.No wonder we have a bad case of tall poppy syndrome in this country when that is a prime example of the highly succesful people we have representing the country.
I think he was referring to Dicko cracking a shit that the AI alumni didn't get many nominations outside of best-selling album/single, and therefore he wasn't going to turn up. He basically said, "Fuck off Dicko, the ARIAs is about hard-working original bands, not Karaoke winners" (or words to that effect). It's not really about that either, but that was the message he was putting across. From what I understand, Dicko didn't even bother to vote this year, so his comments are hollow, anyway.
JonBonJovi said:
I found Jet to be nothing but a bunch of rude arrogant fucks.No wonder we have a bad case of tall poppy syndrome in this country when that is a prime example of the highly succesful people we have representing the country.
It could have been worse babe. The Vines could have been there starting fights and smashing things. Actually, that would have made it interesting.
Goreripper said:
I think he was referring to Dicko cracking a shit that the AI alumni didn't get many nominations outside of best-selling album/single, and therefore he wasn't going to turn up. He basically said, "Fuck off Dicko, the ARIAs is about hard-working original bands, not Karaoke winners" (or words to that effect).
I know what he meant, he just sounded like he was on crack when he was trying to say it thats all :lol:
The funniest part of the night was when they made the joke Andrew G fantasises about himself. And when thats a sole highlight there's something wrong.

Rove isn't funny, if only he had been in that fire.

Eskimo Joe get shoved down our throats for no reason, they didn't win anything really (at least Jet did) yet we heard all about Eskimo Joe, why? And it seems the only publicity John Butler gets is the ARIAs.
John Butler is an independent artist. That's why we never hear about him much. I remember a few years back when Henry's Anger got a nomination for best album. I was astounded. It's a great album, but it's on a tiny independent that (back then) was tinier still. Now there's no surprises at all. Eskimo Joe suck basically. I would have preferred even Jebediah to win something over them, and I fucking hate Jebediah.
I saw Eskimo Joe open for The Living End back in '98. The were horrible.
The fact that they're even still together as a band 6 years later is pretty funny - but I can safely say they have improved a lot.
after skimming through this thread I was very pleased to see the keywords ROVE IS A DICKHEAD and Bert Newton rules come up. I agree, Rove has always been unfunny and a clown whereas Bert Newton actually is kinda funny for an old bastard. whoever said Rove shoulda been in that fire is totally correct.