arrested for being emo

Emos all try to be different and individual but they end up all looking exactly the same. And they try to maintain that they are different and individual. Send them to the gulag.
the official reason seems to be that the subculture promotes self-harm and suicide. therefore to be emo ist to advocate these things
Hmm those are frequently associated with the subculture but not many actually go through with it because they're not really as sad as they let on and are too chicken to go through with suicide anyway. I have heard a lot of them do self harm.

I personally cannot see the attraction of self harm. But at the same time I have never been in a totally depressed state where I might consider doing such things.
-[chop]-;7537655 said:
Whats wong with ATG? :p

I just think this a little they cant dress how they want....

"In Russia...Russia put clothes on you"

No, I menat Russians arrested them because russians listen to grind and melodeath. And they don't tolerate shit from anyone lmao
:lol: i guess so...but going as far as arresting ppl for wearing some dark clothes and having a wierd haircut sounds pretty messed up to me....
Some punk bands who could be considered emo, i actually can tolerate.
I can't tolerate the fact that all these 12 year old girls go around thinking their individual and looking exactly the same. I didn't mind it when they were just aligning themselves with other fans of emo/punk or whatever, but nowadays even the people who gave me shit in school for liking metal are wearing tight jeans and fucking eyeliner.

I don't wear eyeliner, dye my hair black, or pretend to be depressed. I just have long hair, wear band shirts, drink beer and watch mad arse 80's action and horror movies. So people that used to call me a fag at school are getting around with make up and trench coats. What the fuck happened to this world?

I'll actually feel vindicated when someone i know gets the shit kicked outta them for looking like a sausage eater, because what i choose to do is what i choose to do as an individual (kinda) and getting shit for it, well i can take it, but when a mainstream trend follower follows the herd into looking like someone who aligns themselves with an underground sub-culture which 2 weeks before, the individual would have kicked the ass of someone that looks like that, is extremely funny.

People should do what they want cos they want to, not look over their shoulder to see what's popular to like, then call people who dress like me a freak. It's weird. they're the fucken freaks. Being a metal head gives you a shitload of freedom to be who ever you want to be because you just don't have to follow whatever someone else is doing.

I don't hate emos, i hate people who make fun of other peoples background/culture/whatever one minute, then they're virtually copying them the next. the only thing worse is metal n00b5 who think i'm a poser because i don't listen to Every time i die, and they don't even know who DIO is.


Over and out.