Audioscrobbler is fun.


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

For those of us who listen to a lot of music on our computers... Here's the deal: you install a plugin for your media player of choice, then the Audioscrobbler plugin registers what songs you listen to and how often and you get a statistics page like this (mine): you know what stuff you listen to most often, etc, but the best part is that you can create groups, for example, if a couple of RC people would sign up, we could create a Royal Carnage group, and then after a while there would be group statistics that showed what bands were most popular in the group... Might be interesting, or not. Go ahead, sign up, or don't, see if I care. :loco: I like the idea though.
This sounds like a brilliant idea. I'll sign up at some point tonight.

Thing is, does this mean I have to start listening to music on my PC? OK, seeing as it's for scientific purposes.

Early guesses for most common albums amongst us all?
Erik said:
Yes, as MP3's or OGG's with ID3 tags too... It's really convenient in the long run to have an entire collection on hard drive anyway... I started ripping my albums to disk when my stereo receiver broke, but now I've become so accustomed to the convenience that I actually rarely pull out actual CD's anymore...
Ya, me too. After I got my speaker system for my computer, its been all played on them.

Does this thing do this automatically or do I have to scan my media library for files??? I just register, download, intall, and wallah?? I joined RC too. I am BSW.
Sorath / fooitkmbm should be a drill sergeant.

I'll sign up so I can join the Cool People Crowd, but I listen to about 3 mp3's a month on my PC.
yeah, I'm using Winamp to listen to a CD and its working fine. Fucking CDDB doesn't work on winamp for me so I have to program the titles in manually :yell:
This is the second site in the past month that already has the username NAD taken. :mad:

But LongDongSilver wasn't, so that's me.
Hey there we go, I thought I joined the group automatically and was wondering why my name wasn't appearing. :loco:
I'm fucking in. Too bad I didn't see this earlier. Have played Nasheim - Blood fire death 8 times tonight :p
I'd rather be a my pals than take orders from someone I dont know. Seriously its a interesting idea, I just have no need to objectify my listening preferences into statistics or data.