Banned from for a month...

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
So, I got banned from for a month...

"You have been banned for the following reason:

Date the ban will be lifted: 12-24-2010, 12:00 AM"

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with the mods there? It seems like most people I've talked to about it all complain about them & agree that that forum is WAY too uptight recently, but the mods still do whatever they want whenever they want. I see people getting banned all the time there just for disagreeing with a mod's opinion or questioning why others were banned. I hope whoever owns the site realizes that having insane mods only irritates people and gives off a really negative impression of the forum.

This is the thread

Some guy got banned for posting this:
Originally Posted by troyguitar
Does more melodic mean it's got less lame breakdowns?"

I don't even know or talk to the guy and I responded to the mod with this post:
Originally Posted by Randy
And before I start getting PMs about troyguitar being banned, no it's not over this last comment, it's about this:

How was that comment at all worthy of a ban? I seriously wonder what's up with the mods here sometimes..."

And I get banned until Christmas. Seriously, what the fuck?
Yeah I saw that.
That troyguitar guitar dude has trolled in a whole ton of threads that somehow relate to death metal/deathcore (basically just stuff with death growls) and to be honest it really gets up my skin each time he does that. Yes Troy, we know you don't like death growls and breakdowns.
I don't think it would matter so much if he went in and occasionally bashed the odd teeny bopper artist, but to go in and bash a genre of music that a whole ton of members dig on a very regular basis is just ridiculous. He should know full well it's gonna get up the skin of more than just a few people.

It's just easier to not start shit with mods in the first place really.
I can see it from both sides. Yes I think it's over the top that you got banned for so long, but on the other side of the coin, you have to remember how much trolls the site was dealing with only a few months ago (not saying you're a troll mind you, you're actually one of the better, more informed guys there), and it's just a lot easier to put the ban hammer down then to have to argue for the 100000th time with people over something stupid.

It's been stated many times before that if you question mod decisions publicly, you're gonna get the banned camp. I've seen this rule apply to quite a few other forum boards too, not just, so as far as the site rules go, you're just on the wrong side of the fence, no buts about it.
Although I rarely go into the Off Topic section (it's a complete mess half the time in there), I can see the site has less problems with trolls and people just posting stupid crap because the mods have a much tighter grip on things.

Don't expect you'll agree with everything I've said, but that's my 2 cents.
Also, before this thread gets much further, can we not turn this into another " VS The Sneap Forum" thread? is a guitar community based forum board that for people interested in 7 string and beyond instrument, while this is a community for people interesting in production and audio engineering.
If want to hear news and updates on 7 (and beyond) string guitars, I go to, because it's the place to go too.
If I want to learn about production, get the latest news on what albums were produced/mixed/engineer by whoever, I'll come here.
I don't go to expecting to hear great mixes, because it's not the point of that forum.
I don't come here expecting to find as much fans of extended range guitars and the most up to date news on them too because it's not the point and main focus of this board.
I don't get this rule. What is the reasoning behind this? Not talking about or any other site in particular but in general.

Sometimes it can turn into an absolute shit storm and then it's an even bigger mess for the mods to clean up. A preventative measure I guess.
As for any other reason behind it, I can't be too sure.
It's been stated many times before that if you question mod decisions publicly, you're gonna get the banned camp. I've seen this rule apply to quite a few other forum boards too, not just, so as far as the site rules go, you're just on the wrong side of the fence, no buts about it.

I don't see that posted in their forum rules. The only rules I saw of that nature simply said you're not allowed to be insulting/make offensive posts. As long as you aren't being a total asshole and calling a mod an idiot, then there should be no harm in asking why someone was banned. I mean, these guys don't own the website. They're there to keep things civil, not to act like teh kings of the the internets, banning people left and right for not sharing their viewpoints.

I don't know that guy Troy.... don't really care either way. I only commented on it because I've been seeing tons of people getting banned there lately for REALLY insignificant bullshit, and I think it's fucking retarded.
Yeah, it's not in the written rules per se, but if you go to the Public Ban List, you'll see a ton of bans because of publicly questioning mod decisions, so it's just assumed that people have that figured out by now that you can't argue that stuff with mods.
I think perhaps a warning could be fair maybe, but a month long ban is pretty crazy.
A whole ago I even said on that the new rules and the "Public Ban List" were over the top and may be pushing away potential new members, but nothing I can do really.
Yeah, it's not in the written rules per se, but if you go to the Public Ban List, you'll see a ton of bans because of publicly questioning mod decisions, so it's just assumed that people have that figured out by now that you can't argue that stuff with mods.
I think perhaps a warning could be fair maybe, but a month long ban is pretty crazy.
A whole ago I even said on that the new rules and the "Public Ban List" were over the top and may be pushing away potential new members, but nothing I can do really.

I never even knew a public ban list existed lol

Why should we have to look for shit like that just to keep from getting banned by some mod with a bad case of nerd rage?
Welcome to the club of banned SS members! We're not good enough to hang out there. :D Nothing against the users(who were really cool) but the mods need to get laid once in a while...

Haha agreed. The forums are there for people to discuss things. As long as they aren't being total assholes about it, then discussing/debating/even arguing about a new album or band should be fair game. Discussion is boring and pointless if everyone is forced to have the same opinions or not give their opinions at all just to keep from getting banned...
The forum is a bunch of cunts and I've never met anyone who actively posts there as their 'primary online forum' that I actually like.

^^I was far drunker when I originally posted this, but I still stand by it.

I can't imagine a worse set of mods than what they used to have, though - Chris was a whiney little power-hungry bitch, and Noodles was a batshit crazy, ultra-entitled sociopathic bald ass fucking midget. Guys like Shannon and Donny were alright, aside from the fact that they never called their fellow admins out on their bullshit and let the kind of shit happen that did.
Yeah, it's not in the written rules per se, but if you go to the Public Ban List, you'll see a ton of bans because of publicly questioning mod decisions, so it's just assumed that people have that figured out by now that you can't argue that stuff with mods.

What? :lol: Oh dear god that's retarded. Reminds me of some crappy sci-fi movie where a bullied little geek goes on a power trip and becomes a tyrant.

I love going through the guitar building threads over at, but I've never posted there, and if that's how idiotic things are over there, I don't think I ever will.
douchebags, they could have just answered your post with why they banned him, but apparently they can't articulate it properly, so they just ban you instead

the problem with mods at is that people appearently don't respect them too much, wheter its their fault or not, they just have to use their mod power to compensate for that,
if you have more respect you can tolerate more discussions about "why was that ban necessairy?" and stuff like that
but if you get less respect, i can imagine that you eventually get to a point where you just can't let these discussions start anymore
people here naturally respect lasse because of his expertise, thats why it works better here

but at least they tell you their reason why they banned you

my band was deleted from facebook a few days ago, and i still have absolutely no idea why (no its not some anal fisting porngrind), and there is no possibility to reach the mods or whoever deletes stuff there
i mean if theres a reason, i want to know it, and if it was a mistake i want my site back, not telling you why is just north korean style, as if they just did it randomly
Yup welcome to the family.

I was banned for calling out JJ Rodriguez and bashing the Axe Fx ....

Just wait till I post my latest round of "Studio Vids" for the new CD I am recording. We tear the assholes at to pieces in them. Expecially that piece of shit JJ Rodriguez. Seriously I dont know WHY anyone would post there. Its nothing but a bunch of Petrucci / Broderick / Loomis fan bois who cant afford real gear and dont know dick about recording or production.