Best Into The Abyss Song

Your favorite "Into The Abyss" song

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Nov 26, 2005
It's the "Into The Abyss"'s time. What's your favorite song from this album? Mine is "Fire In The Sky", but in my opinion the only bad song from disc is "Sodomized".
here i voted for fire in the sky... awesome tune

also my favorites are legions descend, total eclipse, unfold the sorrow and deathrow

my problem with this cd is resurrected, i love the beginning and chorus... but I HATE 'TILL DEAD that "i'm crazy" voice and that fucking riff!!! (i don't know how to name that part in english :D)

my two cents :kickass:
It was between Unfold the Sorrow and Fire in the Sky, but I chose Fire in the Sky (I always have the movie in mind when I listen to it).
Deathrow by far

Never been the biggest fan of fire in the sky. For me, its good but not enough to find its way on EVERY fucking setlist.

I also like BLINDED a lot
Probably most people shall vote "Fire In The Sky". But in my opinion every song from this album (except "Sodomized": I've never liked it) is excellent.
In my opinion everything ok with "Sodomized". It is not superfluous song in the album and it can be easily put in the same raw with very brutal "Blooddrenched".
My choice in this album consists from "Resurrected", "Fire In The Sky", "Unfold Sorrow" & "Deathrow", but I will vote for "Legions Descend" becouse it was real choke for me to here this song for the first time after more then 4 moths of continual listening of TFC.
first of all, a song 'sounds like' something, it doesnt 'looks like' something

Second, this analogy between Blooddrenched and cannibal corpse makes me laugh hard, as appart from a guitar riff that remotely sounds more like brutal death metal, nothing in blooddrenched sounds like CC, not the other riffs, not the blastbeats etc etc.
That's the difference between english and russian. Meanings of the words in russian are much wider then they are used in english.
Thanx in advance for correcting me in future!

Maybe we are talking about different songs, but specially for not to be unfounded in this thread I relistened to CC "Bloodthirsty" (whole album) and still many similarities can be heard beginning for the first song.
"Sodomized has absolutely hypocritical mood, temp and sound." I agree fully and it's a great song but I too would pick blooddrenched before it.
Wanna see the best "cover" of the album? ;) by Russian audiopirates: hypAcrisy :D
photo by Andrej Peters
