Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Please post all questions, comments & anything related to this artist here.

Opposite From Within / The Undying Darkness

No shit. One of the heaviest. I listen to it all the time and I don't even like the band that much.

I pretty sure at least one of the CDs Andy mixed is just 5150 but I'm not sure which one.
I have to agree that I don't like Caliban's music all that much either...some parts are pretty sweet I guess. But yes, "This Undying Darkness" is an extremely heavy ass mix, the heaviest Sneap mix that I am currently aware of. That kick drum is just ridiculously powerful, and I've always really loved how ballsy the snare drum is. I just tracked a band not too long ago actually, and their drummer had just bought this $1000+ Orange County snare drum:


I don't know the dimensions or anything, but with a lot of tedious, picky EQing and proper compression and reverb, I've got it sounding REALLY similar to the snare from "This Undying Darkness". Needless to say, I was pleased.

I'll try to get the samples online for you guys to play with. It's a NICE snare.
The rest of the kit is a ddrum. It sounded pretty good but one of the three toms sounded a little off. The kick sounded great too, but I'm gonna have the drummer back too so I can take a few more samples, since I've acquired an SM91 since then.
Yeah the link is broken because my folder was one of many that was somehow deleted from the FTP.

I'll give you dudes some of the unprocessed samples soon. Just basic compression, EQ, and reverb, will get you extremely close to the Caliban sound if you do it right! I just don't feel good giving out the processed stuff to people who have no idea how to do it themselves :)
Yeah the link is broken because my folder was one of many that was somehow deleted from the FTP.

I'll give you dudes some of the unprocessed samples soon. Just basic compression, EQ, and reverb, will get you extremely close to the Caliban sound if you do it right! I just don't feel good giving out the processed stuff to people who have no idea how to do it themselves :)

nothing wrong with that :).

looking forward to it..!
I agree , I'd rather do tha juicing myself anyway.

I hear that!

Also I have been playing this The Undying Darkness CD for about 2 weeks strait. My god is this mix just insane and i actually really dig the band to. Good work Andy! I actually never knew inflames singer was a producer either till i read the CD cover. I'm sure I'm the last one on this forum to probably figure that out. :oops:

Ahh well better late than never.....:headbang: