Car I will be purchasing - is it worth it?

Hell Awaits Us All

New Metal Member
Oct 22, 2006
Killing You
with the success of my new job, I am going to be purchasing this car pretty soon


and then I'm gonna put in about 6,000 (bodykit, wheels, etc...) to make it look like this



what do you guys think? is it worth paying 18 grand for the car then putting in the extra 6 grand?
I'll do 2-3 grand downpayment and then pay around 300 - 400 dollars a month

shouldn't be any problems as I will be making 1400-1700 a month (after taxes)

I'll receive around 1,400 this month and 2200 next month (I will get 3 paychecks in one month)
Fuck there is no way I'm putting an extra 6K on my car. Fuck that shit. New Mustang's suck anyway.
I'm getting a either a Jeep Grand Cherokee, a Toyota SUV or truck, or some other gas efficient car. My mom drives a toyota prius hybrid that gets 60 m/g.

I prefer bigger cars so if I want I could knock someone off the road.
Are you going to be using the truck for 'Truck purposes' or are you one of those assholes who drives a truck just to drive a truck?
Are you going to be using the truck for 'Truck purposes' or are you one of those assholes who drives a truck just to drive a truck?

Hah. I have several reasons to drive a truck.

1. I get motion sickness in low cars.
2. I haul around a lot of baseball equipment.
3. I want to be able to knock someone off the road.
4. I like trucks.

I suppose I just do not get it. I am not a car at all. I can think of a thousand things I would rather spend money on. If my car gets me from one place to another and has a cd player and decent speakers, I am good.
enjoy the truck montu, I'll enjoy my 0-60 in 5 seconds mustang saleen GT :lol:

I suppose I just do not get it. I am not a car at all. I can think of a thousand things I would rather spend money on. If my car gets me from one place to another and has a cd player and decent speakers, I am good.

is it not absolutely gorgeous though? come on man
Well, I'm gonna wait till I'm settled down with a career and stuff before making a purchase like that.
I suppose I just do not get it. I am not a car at all. I can think of a thousand things I would rather spend money on. If my car gets me from one place to another and has a cd player and decent speakers, I am good.

I could be fine with that as well, but I enjoy having nice things.
Just do your budgeting, and consider what happens if you lose the job or whatever. In this world there is no such thing as job security, unless your in nursing maybe. Don't forget about gas cost, insurance (which, at your age is very high), title and registration. It's a big commitment, and if it goes badly, your credit would take a big hit. Also consider how much more you will be spending on feul, insurance and registration as compared to a Toyota Camry or Corolla.

Personally I hate debt and I have never been one to look to an automobile as any kind of status symbol or whatever. I would not do it, if I were in your place. I would go for some couple of year old Toyota something or other...but you are not me, nor I you.
automobile as any kind of status symbol or whatever. I would not do it, if I were in your place. I would go for some couple of year old Toyota something or other...but you are not me, nor I you.

it's not a status symbol. If I was interested in a status symbol, I would get a 2 or 3 year old lexus somewhere for 22-24 grand

this mustang is like my dream car (well my dream car at this point). I can't even imagine how awesome it would be to drive something so beautiful and so powerful.

0-60 in 5-5.5 seconds :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: