CD Baby

So, I have not yet taken the plunge and started buying new albums digitally (though I have an iPod). I still like to buy the physical CD and rip them onto my iPod.

I think I'm ready to finally buy the Artizan album, but money's a bit tight right now, so maybe I will finally get that first "digital only" purchase.

My question: does CD Baby have any digital rights management, as iTunes does? I fully understand the need for DRM and would never, ever copy an album for anyone (I have many musician friends and see the negative impact it has on bands and the industry). That said, I like to avoid the DRM so I have full rights to use it myself (put it on every PC we own - which is 3, put it on my work PC, put it on my iPod, put one song on the occasional "mix CD" that I make for friends to try to hook them on my bands - they go out and buy them if they like them).
