Compare Malificium with SOS

Lyrically I prefer Maleficium, I love the story line. But SOS comes realy close lyrically too. Musically I think both are equall. Maybe SOS have a little better music, but the choral singing in maleficium is awesome. So I don´t know.
I just say it like this:
Lyrically: Maleficium
Musically: SOS
Maleficium is really good often, and less godd at some moments. SOS kicks serious ass troughout the whole album.
SOS - Maleficium: 1-0

Best Songs:
Maleficium has the highest tops, like The Scource of pain, maleficium and madness. SOS have more equal songs...
SOS - Maleficium: 1-1

Cover: :D
SOS has a cooler concept and btter colours, no match here.
SOS - Maleficium: 2-1

The concept in whole:
Very hard here... I think it's a draw.
SOS - Maleficium: 2-1

The sound:
I can't explain this in English, but I like that one on SOS better. :D
SOS - Maleficium: 3-1

The wholeness:
As I said before, the songs on SOS are more equal and have a higher...:confused: middlegoodness. Excuse my bad English knowledge! :p

The winner is...
:hotjump: SOS by 4-1! :hotjump: