Dallas show ROCKED!!!!




What do you do when you run into your favorite band face to face? I bought them a round of drinks and watched them bowl, yes, my first exsperince with saxon was at the bowling alley. Nnibbs and Paul, were very friendly and we sat had a few beers, and chated like old friends. After word they singed autographs, and took photos.
The show was one I'll never forget! Whipping post opened, and did a good job getting every one pumped up. U.D.O. took the stage next, and contued pumping us up, while putting on a great show.
Then the monent I've waited so long for, Saxon came out with metalhead. Then they blasted away some of there classics like motorcycle man, dogs of war, strong arm of the law, and power and the glory. During conqustador Fritz proved himself with a drum solo that would have made John Bonham jealous.
Then came the high light of the night, they played my all time favorite, CRUSADER and continued on with princess of the night and wheels of steal.
After the show they contued the fun by letting the fans visit with them on the tour bus.
To sum it all up, I had the time of my life, and every one should catch this show. I hope the next tour comes quickly, because there is no wayI will miss it!!!!!!!!

Yep, they did dallas 1pm and many others from that era.