Dave Lombardo out of Slayer


Mar 10, 2012
Looks like Kerry's being an even bigger dick than usual. What I wouldn't give for Dave to return to Testament when Gene splits.


Statement From Dave Lombardo Regarding Slayer Australian Tour 2013

I want to personally apologize to all of our fans in Australia who have bought tickets for the tour expecting to see me in my usual place on the drums.

So that you all know the truth, as of the end of the business day on February 14th, I was notified that I would not be drumming for the tour in Australia. I’m saddened, and to be honest I am shocked by the situation.

Last year, I discovered 90% of Slayer’s tour income was being deducted as expenses including the professional fees paid to management, costing the band millions of dollars and leaving 10% or less to split amongst the four of us. In my opinion, this is not the way a band’s business should operate. I tried rectifying it by letting my band mates know, and Tom and I hired auditors to figure out what happened, but I was denied access to detailed information and the necessary back up documents.

I spent the Christmas and New Year holidays realizing I had toured all over the world in 2012, but yet, had not been paid (except a small advance) or provided a proper accounting for a full year's sweat and blood. On top of this, I was told that I would not be paid until I signed a long form contract which gave me no written assurance of how much or on what basis management would deduct commissions, nor did it provide me access to the financial budgets or records for review. It also forbade me to do interviews or make statements having to do with the band, in effect a gagging order.

Last Monday, I sat down with Kerry and Tom to rehearse for Australia and to propose a new business model that I felt was the best way forward for Slayer to confidently protect itself so we could do what we do best . . . play for the fans. Kerry made it clear he wasn’t interested in making changes and said if I wanted to argue the point, he would find another drummer. On Thursday, I arrived at rehearsals at 1 pm as scheduled, but Kerry did not show. Rather, at 6:24 pm I received an email from the lawyers saying I was being replaced for the Australian dates.

I remain hopeful that we can resolve our issues. But once again, I sincerely apologize to all of our fans in Australia who spent their money expecting to see the 3 of us original Slayer members.
I look forward to seeing you in the future.

Dave Lombardo
In my eyes Dave's always been a humble and classy guy with a head on his shoulders. Not many people seem to say the same about KK.

I understand that usually bands have that one member that takes care of the business end of affairs (dealing with management, lawyers, venues, press, merch etc.), so that the others concentrate on the brighter side of the musical career. Such a person probably gains additional financial profits on that account, usually upon everybody's consent. The said duties were clearly taken up by Kerry. However, it seems that he has been taking over the whole band for the past dozen or so years, and began to make it his own machine. Whether it was to the benefit of Slayer and helped it carry on or not - I don't know. One thing is certain: under no circumstances should anyone rip his bandmates off, which clearly seems to be the accusation here, although not expressly stated (yet).

Anyway, Dave apparently wanted to look into the books and had every right to do so, unless earlier contractual obligations provided for otherwise. He says he intended to do so in order to amend things and help everybody get a bigger share in what the band makes. Whether or not the current economical model of the band's operation as endorsed by KK could be subject to rectification or not is another thing, but if he was denied the right to try and audit it to perhaps find a better solution, it makes one wonder if someone's hiding something.

Well, bands obviously have their internal discords. Where there's bigger money involved, the tensions are bigger. Such stuff is usually not being disclosed to the press as the drama which follows it does not help the band. You can't blame Dave for leaking it, though. When your bandmate threatens you and informs you you're not in the band anymore through lawyers, you have to make a stand.

Of course, we don't and won't know many details of how the band has worked throughout the years, but from what we are getting it seems clear that Dave is the one to be backed up. I'm not a big Slayer fan (don't like the lyrics, solos and most of the later material they've put out), I never liked Kerry King, but I've always respected the other 3 guys and wish them nothing but luck. The question is: will the Slayer fans who now almost commonly bash Kerry and support Dave have the balls to turn against the Kerry-led Slayer and not attend their shows, leave the venue when they hit the stage at festivals, not buy their albums etc.?

Obviously, I wouldn't mind seeing Dave in Testament again, but (a) I hope Gene stays for good plus (b) Dave probably wouldn't be a permanent member anyway.
It does. Let's wait for the other party to reply, although Dave's the credible and trustworthy one out of the two in my eyes at first glance, given both's hitherto behaviour.

Kerry's certainly not the best musician or songwriter in the group, but he may take some credit for keeping it going through the late 90's and on. I've lost interest in their music a long ago, but their show is worth going to just to see Dave play.

BTW, weren't they supposed to call it a day 3 or 4 years ago already? There was a mention of a final tour/album or I'm confusing them with another band.
I think it's pretty obvious that Kerry's seeing a chunk of that 90% of tour income deducted as expenses.
Maybe he feels he's providing valuable services for the band in addition to those that he's obliged to perform by the sole fact of being a band member and hence is entitled to additional remuneration :lol::.

Anyway, it's pretty obvious that some of the big bands nowadays operate more like enterprises than bands, and the band members - although friends since childhood - hate one another and don't talk apart from practice and show. The fans can still benefit from such a situation, as they get to see the original composition of band members. However, fraud and scam are unacceptable under any conditions.

The "band's" official statement doesn't shed much light on the case. Obviously, this probably isn't a black and white situation and we won't know all or even most of the details, in particular the contractual provisions binding both parties. However, Dave clearly implies those were breached and he didn't get the money he was due. We don't know in what part Dave's a full-blown member and in what part a hired gun (the legal framework set forth in the contract must be pretty complex given the fact that he is an original member who came back to the group after a decade, and that the band still sells a lot of the old records and makes big profits on the merchandise, tours, endorsments etc.). In any case it does seem odd and unfair to communicate with him through management or lawyers. Some people never grow up, I guess. This is the case with artists pretty often. Sometimes I'm happy there aren't millions of dollars involved in Testament (although I wish them all the success they can get, 'cause they surely deserve it).

With Jeff out of the band for 2 years and this Dave situation we can only wait and see when KK decides to replace Tom. That being said, Jon Dette is a great drummer. He worked for Testament, but I know some Slayer fans used to complain about his playing.