Deathcore vs Deathmetal


Aug 15, 2011
It seems deathcore is actually "harder" than deathmetal. The big distinction is in that deathcore doesn't sound as "evil" if you will. Deathmetal sounds a little demonic or some shit. But deathcore is pretty brutal and heavy.

I find it harder and harder to distinguish deathcore from deathmetal with alot of these newer bands like Boreworms.
You=stupid or trolling. Sweet Jesus only knows which. I hope trolling, anyone that stupid should be in a concentration camp.
I'm not trolling. Deathcore is this place's H-Bomb. But, WhiteChapel is serioulsy pretty hard. THe deathcore sound is heavier than dm.
The difference is, that deathcore sucks cock and is played by faggots, while death metal is not. And yes, you're right about the "evil" thing, but also chugging your 15th string with a drop-tuning doesn't make your music sound hard or brutal, it sound plain shit.
I like some deathcore, but it doesn't hold a fucking candle to some real death metal.

Yeah I agree we've had this discussion about a million times now and it always seems to come to the same conclusions. There are good bands in every genre you just have to know where to look.
Open note breakdowns played by children in flat billed caps and swooped to the side hair with highlights is neither heavy nor worth anything. There is good deathcore, i.e. All Shall Perish. But its more "death" than "core", which is what makes it good.
What I find worse than "core" hybrids is modern hardcore itself. Early hardcore (old Agnostic Front, Reagan Youth, Black Flag) was a hell of a lot more interesting to listen to than the mindless chest beating of bands like Madball and Hatebreed. Maybe that's why we ended up with all these hybrids. Hardcore itself became far too simplistic to retain it's fan base, so other genres of music had to be folded in to retain interest.
What I find worse than "core" hybrids is modern hardcore itself. Early hardcore (old Agnostic Front, Reagan Youth, Black Flag) was a hell of a lot more interesting to listen to than the mindless chest beating of bands like Madball and Hatebreed. Maybe that's why we ended up with all these hybrids. Hardcore itself became far too simplistic to retain it's fan base, so other genres of music had to be folded in to retain interest.

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Dude. Fucking leave!
Turning the gain to 10 on a 5150, Dual Rec, ENGL, and playing "heavy" doesnt make it good.
Any chump can do that shit.
These scene faggots with their core shit will phase themselves out.
Im so tired of the deathcore talk
Anyone who thinks deathcore is for fags, pussies, homos, losers, morons, etc is narrow minded. BUT...

There is plenty of good modern hardcore. You just can't wade around the surface. Life Long Tragedy is Really, really good, so is Have Heart. I also like More than Life. A lot of people like Defeater, i think they are generic though. That song by Glasses that Mort posted is fucking awesome.

On another point, I may be in an odd boat. I like black metal and metalcore, but I can't get into death metal.

I think the "heavy" metalcore sound is cool, too. It could be used well.
I've heard Defeater's ep Lost Ground. It was pretty generic and had generic lyrics. It reminded me a lot of punk bands. Their new one. Sleepless nights and days was different, but it didn't do it for me. Also, the second half of that cd was pretty bad too. Very generic acoustic stuff.