deftones - koi no yokan

I really, really love the first track. It's incredible.

What's up with Poltergeist ? I don't like it so much

lol, that shows how subjective everything is. I don't really like the 1st track for some reason, but I love poltergeist, I can deal without the clapping though, after that it fucking rips.
I really, really love the first track. It's incredible.

What's up with Poltergeist ? I don't like it so much

Not a huge Deftones fan myself, but I do somewhat enjoy this release.

That said, I'm sort of with you on your questions about Poltergeist - meh. I don't see it as a stand out track, but it's all so subjective.
i am utterly haunted by this record.

i'm not necessarily impressed with the tones or the amount of heaviness or anything technical at all. i am caught in the sheer minimalism of the songs. i grew up listening to bands like bad brains, the cure and slowdive. i feel like some of the melody choices are taking me way back. i can't really explain it but it's something emotional (or something).

i love when certain music triggers that inside me. it makes remember just why i love music so much in the first place.

that said... this is shaping up to be my #1 for the year and possibly staying up there for even greater accolade. there is nothing like reaffirmation in what it is that you love the most.
Tempest and Poltergeist are my favorites. Not many of the songs stood out to me. I feel the same way about the Diamond Eyes album though. (The Diamond Eyes track itself is quite awesome... some of the others, not so much...)

The good songs tend to be great though. I love the lyrics in Tempest.
i miss the catchy melodies they used to have on white pony.
the new stuff all sounds kinda random thrown together...i almost skipped every track.

there were a few track on the last record that were nice (diamond eyes, risk, beauty school)
these tracks still had this typical deftones "atmosphere".

I agree 100%. White Pony is filled with great songs. Those melodies and atmosphere are what I like most about the band. I feel like a lot of their songs on the past few albums don't really capture that atmosphere and they kinda just drone along. There are standouts though... just wish there were more of them...
I must be the only one who wasn't a big fan of White Pony, It has a few classic songs (digital bath, knife party, passenger), but the album as a whole is whatever to me, ATF and Adrenaline are top notch for me (not because of atmosphere but because of aggressiveness), followed by Diamond Eyes. This new record is experimental to me, I can definitely tell that Chino is playing lead in this new record, hence he said he plays more guitar in this record than any other record. I wish the FX were louder on this album (some more atmosphere) and chinos voice compressed just a bit, there are times when chino's voice really pops out, and the guitars a little louder like on Diamond Eyes (I listen to Deftones - Risk and just love the vibe on it, the low end, the atmosphere, its beautiful, maybe its the Koi no Yokan soundcloud quality? I'm definitely still buying this album 1st day it comes out here in the US). I really wish I didn't listen to Leathers, Tempest, Rosemary religiously before this record came out I'm almost ready to hear another Deftones record and this time w Terry Date.
I find Deftones fans are usually divided into two groups. 1 - people who were into around the fur and adrenaline. 2 - everyone else. I've talked to a lot of people who love the later stuff, including saturday night wrist and white pony. I never got into those records when they came out, but I didn't delve too deeply either. This band re-caught my attention with Diamond eyes, and now I'm starting to fish through the rest of their catalog with renewed interest. Definitely looking forward to this one!
ATF, White Pony. Both are great albums. Wasn't so into SNW. Diamond Eyes had this quality to it, that Koi No Yokan also has... I kinda feel like I already heard these albums when I was a kid - and I love that they feel so familiar to me. I'd say Diamond Eyes is my favourite Deftones album.
ATF, White Pony. Both are great albums. Wasn't so into SNW. Diamond Eyes had this quality to it, that Koi No Yokan also has... I kinda feel like I already heard these albums when I was a kid - and I love that they feel so familiar to me. I'd say Diamond Eyes is my favourite Deftones album.

I completely agree. I grew up with the Deftones but Diamond Eyes is like a perfect representation of everything I love about the band, and It doesnt feel contrived. It seems like when Chi got into the accident the rest of the band took stock and really focused on writing the real shit and put all the pettiness aside. Really stoked to pick this new one up.

Also, I predict if and when Uros finally comes out It will be underwhelming compared to these last two records.