Drug Tests


Feb 20, 2005
If you wanna chastise me or debate about smoking weed, see this thread please. Now that we have that out of the way, my newfound habit combined with my young age and unproven status in the work world means I'm probably gonna be subject to drug tests by potential employers. I know the best solution is to just cut myself off for a couple of weeks before the test, but are there any ways to speed up the process of getting it out, and if so, what's the time frame?

Thanks vets!
Well drugs involve toxins and generally toxins are dealt with in your liver right? So maybe things to speed up your liver doing it's job (if they even exist? :lol: ).

I'm not sure man. I am pretty sure traces of a joint can stay in your system for over a week and I'm not sure there are any tactics or ways to speed that process up a great deal.
Pot takes the longest to leave your system of any drug. If you smoke it on a regular basis, it can show up in your urine for up to 90 days. Crack on the other hand is 4-7 days. If you are looking for a job, drop the weed and stick to the hard stuff.
Haha, yes Adam, great suggestion, I'll substitute a non-addictive non-dangerous drug for a highly-addictive and highly-dangerous one, cuz I just gotta get my drug yah-yahs out somehow :lol: Thanks but no thanks - that said, I just found some pretty shitty answers from the California NORML website that corroborate your claims, so...I dunno, I guess I'll just hold off until I'm hired and then hope they won't do it after! At least I habitually drink a shitload of water...
Dude - watch out for those "miracle cleanseing pills" and teas... they test for that shit too! I would quit for a few weeks... odds are, it'll just be a piss test, you'd be goof after 4 weeks or so, based on your diet, activity, metabolism, etc.
Yeah, I guess that's what it boils down to - thanks dude! And the NORML article is a really informative read btw, though I can only hope you're at the point in your life where you don't have to care!
If you wanna chastise me or debate about smoking weed, see this thread please. Now that we have that out of the way, my newfound habit combined with my young age and unproven status in the work world means I'm probably gonna be subject to drug tests by potential employers. I know the best solution is to just cut myself off for a couple of weeks before the test, but are there any ways to speed up the process of getting it out, and if so, what's the time frame?

Thanks vets!

I actually just got a job at a local gas station (chain in the northern U.S) in one day. I literally woke up by a call, smoked a bowl, went for the interview, and got hired full-time within a half an hour of the interview starting. They ran the background check, and 20 minutes after I got home (yeah it was that quick D:) I got the call for the confirmation and I just went to go get trained today. During the interview he said there's a pretty distinct possibility of me obtaining a manager position within the next 6 months, 3 months after my 90 day probation period.. godamn.. In my opinion, I think they won't even ask for a UA if you make a good first impression on them.. Talk with truth, confidence, never take your eyes off of theirs, and be outgoing bro. Maybe you'll get lucky like I did! :D
Haha, I can only hope, though since I'm applying to lots of local governmental positions, I doubt I'll get so lucky! :(
for many organizations, it doesnt matter if youre a manager or a stock boy... drug tests are just required during the prehire process. case in point, everyone who works at best buy has to pass a drug screen. i mean come on, theyre not pilots.. theyre shilling ipods for $10/hour and they still have to pass a drug screen. so talking with confidence might work at some smaller places, but most mid-size and up companies just have it required now. and you can bet gov't positions (city state or fed) is gonna require it.

its weird though, as i say that, i've never had to take one myself. i've worked for several different places from a bank to marketing agency and i've never had to take one. so go figure...
cant believe no one has said this....

if its a piss test GET YOU SOBER FRIENDS PISS!

if its a mouth swab test, seriously guys my sister smoked weed the night before she was getting her test at vons and she passed....so yeah..

otherwise just drop the shit and drink massive water or black ice tea(stuff fly's through you).
Haha, yes Adam, great suggestion, I'll substitute a non-addictive non-dangerous drug for a highly-addictive and highly-dangerous one, cuz I just gotta get my drug yah-yahs out somehow :lol: Thanks but no thanks - that said, I just found some pretty shitty answers from the California NORML website that corroborate your claims, so...I dunno, I guess I'll just hold off until I'm hired and then hope they won't do it after! At least I habitually drink a shitload of water...

Don't be a pussy!


Exercise! Working out, especially cardio will speed things along. Work out like a mofo and really work your ass off for a week, then lazy for a week, do the interviews then take yer wizzer test. Working out makes your body burn up the day cells, where your body stores the thc. It'll flood your system with thc, but the next week of laziness will help your liver out (by not releasing thc back into your system) so it can get to cleaning ya out.
Try and bribe them to ignore the drug test.

Maybe bribe them with some weed or something.

If they go nuts at you, tell them to chill out... offer them some weed to help them chill.

If you still don't get the job... well who'd want to work with humourless people such as them anyway.
Hahahahahaha, good plan Dan :lol: And thanks for the suggestions guys, I'm gonna go sober until the initial tests, but once I'm in I may have to resort to more drastic measures...cross that bridge when I get to it!
I hate to sound like the old prude here, but...

Regardless of your personal feelings about using drugs, if you foresee the potential for a negative impact on some important aspect of your life in the future....you should just stop now. Simple enough.

Take it back up later if you must and you feel that the coast is clear.
I think if you drink enough water before the test, you can trick certain drug tests.

I used to carry around a gallon of water with me at school and people always asked me if I had to take a drug test or something so I don't know.

I agree with just stopping for a while though.
As a last ditch....I have some spare piss lying around. It could be yours.....FOR A PRICE.

I didnt bother reading through this entire thread now, but a tip i got from a guy i know that had to get him self tested once a month:

Dont smoke for at least a couple of days before testing your self, during those days, drink as much water as you possibly can.. now to the part that really flushes it out: Sauna.
Bath in a sauna for as long as you can without passing out 2 times a day, this causes the drugs that are stored in your body fat to flush out with your sweat.

Im not going to guarantee you that it works, but that dude from my town smoked weed at least once a day, and never got caught in one of those drug tests.