

Proud IMG Guitarist!
Apr 16, 2001
Maryland USA
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Does not look like much..judging from the posts.
Just wanted to drop in and say hey..I am still alive...I've not checked in for awhile. It was too depressing to check in every day and not see anything new..so I am checking in once a week or so.

I'd really like to get going on some projects. I've been off the guitar for awhile (recording-wise) and am kinda in the mood to record. No new drum tracks I presume? Boy are we in a dry spell.

If nothing is really cooking right now..I guess maybe I'll scratch my itch by picking 'The Tower' back up. I never did get around to finishing that.

later all.
Yea, time to get moving again! I'm working on The Clairvoyant as I type this, and I'm not sure what I'll move into next. I'll be working with Eddy on his songs, and I'll be sure to be writing a bit myself, but as for covers I'll need to see what MM's got coming up. :cool:
I also really want to start some other projects, too. But as I remember I'm still involved in Tears... (what I'm still recording), Remember... and Phantom. I think I should finish these first. :D