EverGrey and Thunderstone for PPUKIII!!!!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
ProgPower UK III Double Whammy!
EVERGREY and THUNDERSTONE confirmed for ProgPower UK III

It's time to end the speculation and deliberation about who’s topping Saturday’s bill at ProgPower UK III. We've talked to a lot of bands, looking at various combinations to create a balanced bill, and have genuinely taken note of all the requests, suggestions, e-mails and forum polls with which you guys have bombarded us. At the same time, we’ve been thinking long and hard about what ProgPower means and how to stretch its boundaries without losing sight of its ethos.

So, with all that in mind, we are really proud to announce that Sweden's EVERGREY will be headlining the Saturday night of ProgPowerUK III. Evergrey’s music (and live shows) is the very essence of ProgPower, and we all felt that it was the right time to invite them to ProgPower UK as not only are they, without doubt, one of the leading progressive metal bands, but with a new album due out before Christmas they’re going to be really firing on all cylinders: as such, we are gearing ourselves up for a heads-down, no-mercy, high-octane performance! It’s worth noting that this will be the band's next UK appearance and an exclusive for us in that they will not be back in the UK until at least July 2008.

Furthermore, as a lot of people have been asking for more power metal at ProgPower UK III, we are pleased to confirm that THUNDERSTONE will be taking Saturday’s third-on-the-bill slot. With their album 'Evolution 4.0' garnering numerous positive reviews from the metal press worldwide, and no UK shows in their diary since 2003, we thought that it was high time that we hitched up the welcome wagon and asked them to serve up a healthy chunk of quality Finnish power metal. We are extremely happy that they have accepted our offer to come to ProgPower UK III and they have agreed to play a special and exclusive one-off show.

So, the new-look ProgPower UK III line-up is almost complete; we’ve just got one more trick up our Saturday sleeve. We’re pretty confident that you can see where we're going with the 2008 line-up, and are sure you’ll agree that the bill delivers a balance of progressive and power metal music, with enough diversity to satisfy the discerning ProgPower UK audience. We're really fired up at PPUK HQ, and can't wait to put this show together over the coming months. Roll on March!

Metal Regards,
The PPUK Team
July 7th 2007