F.S. Banned in Dubai!!!


Demons Will Fly
Oct 18, 2004
Canada, eh
This is too funny not to share:

About a year ago we jokingly made it a band objective to get our music banned by the government of a country. As of Sunday night, that dream has come true.

I got a phone call from one of our European distributors saying that they had mailed out 5 CDs to a Dubai metal label. A week later, the package return marked "Banned for content reasons".

How many bands (besides Saxon) can say they've been officially banned from a country?! :saint:


On a lighter note, if anyone has a facebook page, you can add FS as a friend.
And we all know that is because of 'Infidel' :headbang:

I'm sorry for the selling losses but congratulations of being banned in a squared minded country. BTW, were Saxon was banned? (Don't tell me, in Dubai because of 'Crusader' :lol:)
Saxon were banned from performing there because a newspaper article made a huge deal about the crusader song, yes. I don't know if their music is banned there.
If I were you guys I would take the oppurtunity and tell some magazines that your CD was banned for the song "infidel"... It will be some great promotion, people will be curious about the song and album. Feel free to use them motherf*****s to promote your album, they also steel money out of your pockets so...

I second what carnut says, because he is 100% right. Just take the opportunity to spread the word for your band.
If I were you guys I would take the oppurtunity and tell some magazines that your CD was banned for the song "infidel"... It will be some great promotion, people will be curious about the song and album. Feel free to use them motherf*****s to promote your album, they also steel money out of your pockets so...

That's the plan. We're gonna run with the story as best we can. If anyone posts on any non-English metal boards - feel free to relay the information! :kickass:
I posted in another forum in Germany but in English, as you may guessed the discussion drifted but at least I post the MySpace addy of FS.
How many bands (besides Saxon) can say they've been officially banned from a country?! :saint:
Alot of DM, BM and other genres in Germany and surrounding countries due to their censorship laws... get banned in them... Cannibal Corpses' material for example comes to mind...

As for Dubai... I guess it's not the Utopia that everyone makes it sound to be...
Alot of DM, BM and other genres in Germany and surrounding countries due to their censorship laws... get banned in them... Cannibal Corpses' material for example comes to mind...

Well, obviously Cannibal Corpse. They tried to ban them in Canada for God's sake! Our lyrics, however, are incredibly tame (maybe in the same area as Dream Theater?). They probably glanced at back of the CD and went "The Heretic? INFIDEL?! Banished!"
Sorry, my bad... i rarely read words in sigs.. mostly I just look at album covers... didnt know it was your band... like it though ... both the music and album coverart... Tell Andy he very talented and he should get more work from other bands as well... i love those type of artworks...