For sale: Extremely (and I DO mean extremely) rare, autographed Katatonia shirt

Burton C. Bill said:
First I'd need A job to get an extra job or work overtime. I'm a college graduate with an engineering degree, but this isn't a very big hiring time for most companies in the area right now. And believe me, whatever money I make, I do a good job making it last as long as I possibly can.

ah sorry didn´t considered the option "unemployed."...I know what it means because after university I had the same problem, the first job is the most difficult to find because you lack experience (and if you are a woman it is worst)
I think that the situation for young people is terrible one of my friends has found a decent job, the ones who are trying to make a career are initially underpaid and exploited and they can be over 30 and still earn a misery...
Moreover that now there are more and more academics...and a university degree is not a guarantee anymore...
stop here before I´m getting really is hard...
burton said:
Hey, uhm, how about you give it to me? Seeing as we have the same name, we should feel a kind of kinship, so yeah! Wow. I'm sorry, I am kidding. I would love to have this though. I'll need to do a bit of begging, or something.

Correction: MASSIVE amounts of begging and arse-kissing.
Burton C. Bill said:
Burton, I'd love to give you the shirt. And you can get it without begging OR ass-kissing. All you need to do is follow my link and make a few bids my friend. Saves a lot of dignity,

There are many deprived children in this country sir... some are so deprived that they live on a secluded island where there is no metal music whatsoever. These poor souls must fend for themselves, feeding off whatever metal music and memorabilia they can find...

With your donation of JUST ONE Old Logo Katatonia shirt, you can give Burton eternal joy and happiness. Your donation will also stop the fighting in Iraq, impeach President Bush, force churches to pay taxes, balance the budget, and cure cancer.

I'm dead feckin' serious. :)
Jinn said:
There are many deprived children in this country sir... some are so deprived that they live on a secluded island where there is no metal music whatsoever. These poor souls must fend for themselves, feeding off whatever metal music and memorabilia they can find...

With your donation of JUST ONE Old Logo Katatonia shirt, you can give Burton eternal joy and happiness. Your donation will also stop the fighting in Iraq, impeach President Bush, force churches to pay taxes, balance the budget, and cure cancer.

I'm dead feckin' serious. :)

*Sniffles and looks sad for effect.*

(Seriously though, I have no money and no way of getting any, so yeah. I can't make any bids.)