Gamma Knife youtube wars


Feb 27, 2012
Mddle of nowhere, GA
Holy hell, the comment sections on the youtube videos for Gamma Knife are crazy! All of the older Kayo Dot songs (mostly) had people just saying nice things and being chill, the new one is all "fuck you, fucking fuckass, you don't know shit!!!11!"

1. most of the people listening to the three live-recorded tracks complain about the sound quality (and they really make a good point there :-(
2. popular music reviewers on youtube like theneedledrop and makasaur talked about / reviewed the album, therefore lots of people who are new to Kayo Dot / avant-garde music came to listen to the album, older videos of Kayo Dot mostly have been visited by fans themselves.

I think those two facts combined cause the bad rating compared to other Toby Driver related videos.

Edit: I really like the album and bought it just after the digital release but the 3 middle tracks would have been much more enjoyable, if they were recorded like the first and last track...
I guess that's a pretty good point. Haha. It's just a bit depressing :/

As for the quality, I agree, but at the same time, I realize that there wasn't anything that could have been done about it (without a lot of money).
...Subjectively I'd say they have a much better sound quality ^^ Maybe that's just because of the larger and more complex soundscape of the three middle tracks which gets "blurred", where two other songs seem to be more minimalistic.
And the home recorded (?) tracks don't have the weird live reverb which creates the unrefined sound (?).
I can't stand hearing people complain about the sound quality of the three middle pieces... what's wrong with them? Being as they are, they only come out really organic, which only intensifies the frenzied attitude even more. And if such an act like Kayo Dot decided to put out songs in such a form, then let's treat it in its own absolute way. The artistic choice was made and materialized on its own terms. One should delve into the conceived realities and not approach things with already prepared templates that are almost unbreakable and persistent in their stagnancy.
I can't stand hearing people complain about the sound quality of the three middle pieces... what's wrong with them? Being as they are, they only come out really organic, which only intensifies the frenzied attitude even more. And if such an act like Kayo Dot decided to put out songs in such a form, then let's treat it in its own absolute way. The artistic choice was made and materialized in its own terms. One should delve into the conceived realities and not approach things with already prepared templates that are almost unbreakable and persistent in their stagnancy.

I'm pretty sure the middle 3 tracks had to be recorded live due to the band not having enough money to get a decent recording(due to lack of sales from previous albums) and it wasn't a stylistic choice. I remember reading an interview with Toby that mentioned this, though I'm sure he can clear that up.

And were the first and last tracks really recorded on your iphone? That's impressive!
You know how awesome we are that we recorded that shit live for zero dollars with just like 4 mics at a concert after preparing the music for only a few months and not even having a real rehearsal space? Real goddamn awesome, that's how awesome
You know how awesome we are that we recorded that shit live for zero dollars with just like 4 mics at a concert after preparing the music for only a few months and not even having a real rehearsal space? Real goddamn awesome, that's how awesome

Thats fucking epic. Just stop please. I'm pretty sure you are the only band I like still making music. So actually don't stop.