Gates of Metal

That sound's like an excellent lineup. I just started into Iced Earth -- another band I don't know why I delayed in getting their stuff. Picked up Something Wicked... the other day, very good.

Kreator is my kind of music! Thrashy, I saw them a few months back in San Francisco with Destruction.

And, aside from Arch Enemy, I haven't heard any other bands. My loss... There is more music out there than I can get, I have no choice but to be selective -- I try, though.

You'd still have a long way to travel to get to this, would you be going? Depends on where in Germany, I guess. Is it easy to cross Denmark/borders? Western Canada and Mexico are very easy to get in/out of.
oh....what I was saying was directed to Micke. I'm not going to attend that festival.

I'm going to be in Sweden for 2000 Decibel festival though. And there's no problem to get to Sweden in regards of borders or anything.
Cool, in the pit no less. I took to Lefay later than most, so you've never seen me before, but you say there are other SF area fans. Good to know.

Saw a shirt the other night at the Testament show with Jeff Rader on the back, I take it he's someone taken in the R.I. fire.
There are MANY Lefay fans in the Bay Area. Most of them I turned onto the band. :) I was also at the Testament show. If you saw anyone in the photo pit during Death Angel, or just looking around in general, I had a big camera, camera bag and my blonde hair goes to the middle of my thighs. I did NOT see anyone there with Jeff's shirt on! Fuck. Yes, Jeff (and Becky, Ty and Scott) were all friends of mine that died in that fire. Jeff was from here. He was a long-time tech/roadie/merch dude. At his memorial, his best friend Duane made a BUNCH of T shirts and laminates in memory of Jeff. He was also a big Testament fan so I am happy someone wore his shirt there.
Which would make San Franciso a natural for Lefay, when... they tour the States. We can all wish, eh?

DA was great. I am normally one to fight through to the front, or at least fairly close, but this time I stayed back, taking on beer instead of elbows. I didn't get close all night, but it was still fine. Would guess that the photo pit revealed some fine pics...