Gene Hoglan Rules

Yes, you gotta love this guy. A beast behind the kit and a very calm, friendly and mild personality at the same time. A true professor of drumming. His approach to playing is one to be admired. Have you noticed that he has such a soothing voice and way of speaking that he could be reading fairy tales for kids on the radio or something? Let's hope he'll stick around with the band for good this time.

Here's a feature of Gene during TAH in Vancouver:

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I like how people are bitching about Gene on Testament's facebook page, calling him unprofessional, a bad drummer etc, because he's off doing his "side project" Dethklok.

Gene's been in Dethklok for 6 years, Testament for one (on second stint). Testament's the side project.
I like how people are bitching about Gene on Testament's facebook page, calling him unprofessional, a bad drummer etc, because he's off doing his "side project" Dethklok.

Gene's been in Dethklok for 6 years, Testament for one (on second stint). Testament's the side project.
He was also with Fear Factory on an amazing album "Mechanize"
He's the fuckin' best!
It's facefuck, why would we expect anything different?!!!I know that sounds close minded,but it's "TRUE":bah: