Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven
Kranky KRANK043 2000
By Russell Garwood

The second full length release from one of the founding members of the Montreal post-rock scene, “Lift your..” is more intense than “F#A#Oo“, and takes the sadness evident in “Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada EP“, multiplies it and extends it to over 80 minutes.

If you are new to Goodspeed! this nine piece ensemble, creating harrowing and beautiful music in the communal loft they refer to as Hotel2 Tango, consists of:
Roger Tellier-Craig (guitar)
Norsola Johnson(cello)
Efrim Menuck (guitar)
Mauro Pezzente (bass)
David Bryant (guitar)
Thierry Amar (bass)
Sophie Trudeau (violin)
Aidan Girt (percussion)
Bruce Cawdron (percussion)
John Littlefair (films)
All the above instruments, and more, are present in their music, as well as myriad samples, such as sermons from apocalyptic priests and street chants. As with much of Godspeed!'s work this album has a strong political undertone, and very long songs. A double CD (as ever from Kranky, beautifully packaged), “Lift your..“ features four tracks, all around the twenty minute mark, and all unique.

The first CD consists of what you would expect from a Godspeed! release - samples, gradual crescendos, quiet guitar refrains and an overwhelming sense of melancholy, all done to Godspeed!’s high standards. The second CD, however, is more a progression from their usual sound: more crescendos you think can never get higher or more substantial, then prove you wrong and finally fade off into noise. The songs are less apocalyptical and downcast, more nostalgic in places, opening with Murray Osril talking of his youth on Coney Island. It also features songs played originally for John Peel’s radio show.

“Lift Your…” is an album that will have you hooked after one listen, eating up a lot of time, but well worth it. In my opinion Godspeeds! best work to date, any fan should already have this, and if you are new to the band this is an extremely good first buy.
I know that many ppl from Hell-as are lurkin in this site ..so , make sure you dont miss their upcoming concert.
I had the luck to see them perform once, in England and it was easilly one of the best thing I ve ever seen . this band's for REAL. I never expected them to come over here..
thanks to FRACTAL PRESS .
anyway , good music is good music -any of you lovers of sad sounds (metal or not) check them out -NOW

Originally posted by cybernaut
I know that many ppl from Hell-as are lurkin in this site ..so , make sure you dont miss their upcoming concert.
I had the luck to see them perform once, in England and it was easilly one of the best thing I ve ever seen

Cool! What are they like live? Is the music similar or not as complex etc?
Words cannot describe how much I love this album. Its one of those albums that you literally lose yourself in..... "Antennas to Heaven" is the greatest piece of music of all time in my opinion. The imagery and atmosphere throughout the album is incredible.
Wow, this is such an amazing album. I can't really write any words that would do it justice. I agree that "Antennas to Heaven" (that whole track) is one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. Wow I need to listen to it right now.
Truly Epic, I bet this music would give some people nightmares though. Personally, it makes me smile.