GWYNBLEIDD - join our mailing list & street team!


Trapped in hated logic
Feb 10, 2002
Last week GWYNBLEIDD has completed the mastering process for our new album Nostalgia, and this week the album goes to print!

With the upcoming release of the new album we wanted to make sure we can better stay in touch with you. Please sign up for the Gwynbleidd email list, and if you'd like to help out even more please sign up for the street team. Your support is crucial and we look forward to working with you on converting more people to Gwynbleidd supporters.

Click on the link below to sign up for email list and/or street team:


M. / Gwynbleidd

p.s. Post this message on other message boards, help us convert more people to Gwynbleidd music!
I know there are people here who were interested in the new Gwynbleidd disc, where are you now? cmon show some life! :kickass:

btw. who's going to the Thursday Meshuggah show in the city?
I'ts not spam if its directed at people who expressed interest in the news about this particular project in the past. RC is the only forum I come back to on UM for that exact reason.

Well, then you should have used more :loco:-smileys and mentioned NAD at least three times. And expressed dislike of Celtic Frost (Which reminds me, I need to get monotheist)