Has the Zombie Apocalypse wiped out Ultimate Metal?


Ya Yellow Rat Bastid!!!
Jun 10, 2006
Damn it's quiet around here!!! I know we're all waiting for Mastery's new album to come out, and Billy's spoken word performances, but where the hell is everyone??

Doesn't anyone have something to talk about? Sports, music, wrestling, history, politics?

NFL draft is in 16 days. I hope Gregg Williams is banned for life for all the bounty crap he pulled in NO.
Looking forward to the Slayer/Slipknot show over the summer.
Wrestlemania was good. Undertaker vs Triple H was the best match on the PPV. Glad to see Brock Lesnar back.
The 100th year anniversary of the Titanic disaster is coming up this week. There are some great shows on the Titanic that are being shown on the history channel.
Politics...yuck!!!! I'm voting Independent!!
Politics in our country has never sucked so much ass as it does this year. Next election I'm also voting the small and the independent.
Going to see Metallica, Machine Head and Gojira in two weeks and I also might appear at some festivals. I'm particularly interested in Biohazard and Faith No More who headline two festivals in here, too bad the rest of the bill sucks cock. Still haven't made up my mind about Trivium show early June.
Going to see Metallica, Machine Head and Gojira in two weeks and I also might appear at some festivals. I'm particularly interested in Biohazard and Faith No More who headline two festivals in here, too bad the rest of the bill sucks cock. Still haven't made up my mind about Trivium show early June.

I haven't seen Biohazard & Faith No More since the 90's. It would be great to see them again. Europe always gets better metal festivals than we do in the U.S.

I went to see Van Halen w/DLR a few weeks ago and was disappointed. DLR talked through a lot of the old songs, and they played 5 songs from their new album (which is not great). I'm hoping to go see Five Finger Death Punch next month, then the Mayhem festival with Slayer, Slipknot & Anthrax in July. I was hoping the Big 4 would have done more dates this year, but no luck. I hope that's not it for those guys.
You know, I really like the new Van Halen...might as well be my album of 2012 so far. I would LOVE to see them live...that being said I would also love to see DLR solo!
You know, I really like the new Van Halen...might as well be my album of 2012 so far. I would LOVE to see them live...that being said I would also love to see DLR solo!

The new VH is good, but not great. IMO, there's not a great song on the album that blows you away (like a Panama, Unchained, Jump etc...) They put on a good show, just wished DLR would have sang more of the old lyrics, instead of talking through them. Seeing Eddie play is always a treat.
Damn it's quiet around here!!! I know we're all waiting for Mastery's new album to come out, and Billy's spoken word performances, but where the hell is everyone??

Doesn't anyone have something to talk about? Sports, music, wrestling, history, politics?

NFL draft is in 16 days. I hope Gregg Williams is banned for life for all the bounty crap he pulled in NO.
Looking forward to the Slayer/Slipknot show over the summer.
Wrestlemania was good. Undertaker vs Triple H was the best match on the PPV. Glad to see Brock Lesnar back.
The 100th year anniversary of the Titanic disaster is coming up this week. There are some great shows on the Titanic that are being shown on the history channel.
Politics...yuck!!!! I'm voting Independent!!

Looks like this board has taken a big nose dive. It's a shame. I know I got into it with a few people on here, but it was all in good fun.

What's going on with the new Mastery album? Any word on when it's going to be released?

The Browns had a good draft. Now only if they can translate that to the field.

I agree about Williams. He's a slimy piece of shit.
And how about the prez election? I would love to see the chimp go, but think Romney's piece of shit anyway.
And how about the prez election? I would love to see the chimp go, but think Romney's piece of shit anyway.

:lol: That's funny as hell!!! Not looking forward to the election. I made the mistake of voting for Obama last time, and that is definitely not happening again. I sure as hell ain't voting for the republicans either. Last time they were in office, they royally fucked up this country, by getting us involved in 2 wars (the Iraq war being completely unnecessary), health care & gas prices went through the roof, housing market went in the toilet, and the banking industry collasped. The Dems made the problem much worse. So, it looks like we're fucked either way.
:lol: That's funny as hell!!! Not looking forward to the election. I made the mistake of voting for Obama last time, and that is definitely not happening again. I sure as hell ain't voting for the republicans either. Last time they were in office, they royally fucked up this country, by getting us involved in 2 wars (the Iraq war being completely unnecessary), health care & gas prices went through the roof, housing market went in the toilet, and the banking industry collasped. The Dems made the problem much worse. So, it looks like we're fucked either way.

You know I have exactly the same feelings about this shit hole I live in on the other part of the globe...must be a global thing, then... next time, I'm voting something small and independent and don't give a fuck whether it's a lost vote or not.
You know I have exactly the same feelings about this shit hole I live in on the other part of the globe...must be a global thing, then... next time, I'm voting something small and independent and don't give a fuck whether it's a lost vote or not.

It looks like all politicians serve their evil masters, and we're screwed anyway you look at it. :puke:
It looks like all politicians serve their evil masters, and we're screwed anyway you look at it. :puke:

I don't really buy the "Jewish Conspiracy" stuff...human factor is a strong thing and no matter how good plans can be, people will screw them up anyways.
I don't really buy the "Jewish Conspiracy" stuff...human factor is a strong thing and no matter how good plans can be, people will screw them up anyways.

I'm not calling it a "Jewish Conspiracy". IMO big business/corporations and Wall St all have their hands in politics, and politicians in their back-pockets.

I heard Van Halen is postponing more than 30 concert dates. I wonder if this is the end of the VH reunion w/DLR? (I hope not)
I'm not calling it a "Jewish Conspiracy". IMO big business/corporations and Wall St all have their hands in politics, and politicians in their back-pockets.

I heard Van Halen is postponing more than 30 concert dates. I wonder if this is the end of the VH reunion w/DLR? (I hope not)

You never know with this band. They're worse than Anthrax when it comes to singers.
I'm gonna take a guess and say the fact Anthrax got back with Joey and did the Big 4 have put a downer on Billy's ranting, which is why this place is dead.

To be fair though, the Anthrax album, was IMO, shit, and their board is just as dead as a result.

So, everyone's a fuckin loser.
I'm gonna take a guess and say the fact Anthrax got back with Joey and did the Big 4 have put a downer on Billy's ranting, which is why this place is dead.

To be fair though, the Anthrax album, was IMO, shit, and their board is just as dead as a result.

So, everyone's a fuckin loser.

Billy moved on from the stuff with Anthrax and is doing a new band called Mastery. Billy plans to do Spoken Word performances over the summer as well.
Hey Sue, how are you doing?

not good. life is currently in a death spiral of suck for me.
HOWEVER, i'm still alive, so there's hope.

on the issue of the zombie apocalypse... face chewing... pro or con?