Improvements you'd like to see for the next Theocracy Album...


Feb 9, 2010

You can't improve perfection.

Top albums of all time...

1 - Theocracy - As The World Bleeds
2 - Theocracy - Mirror Of Souls

When's the next one coming out!
Why did you make a thread for this?

Val said he's been working on the newest album lately. I'm assuming that means writing and we probably have 2 years before it comes out.
There's so many stupid things we could all say, like

- make it a double (or triple) album;
- bring it out sooner; or
- have some cross-over power metal/dubstep fusion

but we're all fans here, and love and respect the boys' work so much that we'll just excitedly take whatever they give us.

... we probably have 2 years before it comes out.

Sad, but true.
^Obsidian Conspiracy. It's been a looooong time since I've heard that. Does anyone have a copy of it?
I'd like to hear the production steer a bit more toward the Mirror of Souls sound, particularly the guitar tone. Not to say As the World Bleeds wasn't fantastic as well, but I think Mirror has a heavier tone.

Other than that, stay the course! :)
Yeah Obsidian Conspiracy*, thanks. Matt sung it Rising as part of the chorus. I didn't save it, figured it would stay online, but it didn't :/
The music of Obsidian Conspiracy was written by Jeff Loomis and performed by Nevermore, so I don't think Matt had a hand in the writing other than the vocals/lyrics for the contest entry. Though he did such a great job with it, I'd say I still like it better than the Nevermore version. :)

As far as hopes for next album, I would say to just stay the course!
Yes, Parched Earth, it's Nevermore, and it's typical Nevermore styling, which is a much heavier prog than Theocracy's music. I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to hear a song or two on a new album (under Matt's guidance) that was as heavy as Obsidian.
Gotcha, Aletheus! The first time I heard it (before I knew it was actually Nevermore's music), I though Matt had really nailed the Jeff Loomis guitar sound. :) Though with Matt's lyrics/vocals, it really could fit well on a Theocracy record, I think.
I just gotta add, "improvement" sounds harsh, I don't think their music needs any improvement at all, but if we had wishes of covers and changes and the works, a heavier song would be to my liking.
Well, I for one would like to hear more hardcore breakdowns and maybe even some rapping in one of the songs.

There's one thing: I know it's a matter of taste...but for me it would be an improvement if they would leave out these - to my ears "forced" - progressive break downs like in "I am" at 7:40 and 8:50.
There's one thing: I know it's a matter of taste...but for me it would be an improvement if they would leave out these - to my ears "forced" - progressive break downs like in "I am" at 7:40 and 8:50.

Time signature changes will always sound forced and snobby to people who don't like them.