Injury forces me to temporarily stop playing guitar

Jul 26, 2006
Middlesbrough, England
Yes guys I was "playing" nicely with a stanley knife (box cutter to you guys) and being the total idiot that I am I managed to have an accident.

Now we all know that cutting towards yourself is stoopid, its even worse when you think Oh i shouldnt be doing this I should turn the blade round......and then slip. Blade jumps straight into your wrist and suddenly the kitchen looks like a scene from a slasher movie!

Fortunately I didnt hit the artery and I only just missed the tendons, although they are enflamed.
The cut on the surface looks kind of superficial (it isnt) as I managed to slice the layer of skin away from the layers of muscle and the cut goes the depth of the knife blade under my skin.

For those that can stand to look theres a pic beneath just after I managed to temporarily stop the bleeding!

Lesson #2 ...

When working in tight spaces ... Don't pull an open ended wrench toward yourself.

I had a buddy do that who was working under the dash in his car. Knocked himself completely sideways. Took better than 5 minutes for his eyes to uncross and focus again.
Holy shit, that looks sore!! Ouch!! Glad you never did any serious damage tho or it could have been more than a temporary stop to your playing.

Yeah its a bit tender.

Its worse because flexing my fingers makes it ache so much. Test have revealed that I didnt damage the tendons which is good, but they have reacted to the swelling around the wound and they hurt also!

Had the angle of the blade been another 1 degree down over I'd have gone through about three tendons which would have included the tendon for my index finger and perhaps worst still my middle finger :p :lol:

anyway..... once its starts to knit together and heal I should be able to resume playing, for now I have to resist bending my wrist too much.

ahh well its not like I could play widdle fests....I mean shred so perhaps the music industry has not lost a potential great guitarist :lol:
widdle fests hahah - wankers go there huh!
it would totally suck to lose my hand to guitar - but my middle finger - i think i'd have to sew a new stiff bird on there.
Whoa, that's a juicy one. :zombie: Anybody want to place bets that he'll NEVER do that again!? We've all done stupid stuff before...let's here some stories... My dumbass move was punching a door and breaking my hand. Daa... Stupidist thing I ever did, and you can be sure that I'll NEVER do that again! The funny thing was when I was in the emergency hospital, the doctor said he broke his hand doing the same thing, then a cop came in (for something else) and started chatting with me and said he broke his hand doing the same thing. Pretty funny huh? Good luck on a full recovery heal.
I've done plenty of dumb things in my life. This is just the latest ;)

I've been knocked unconcious from an electric shock

I've broken my hand punching a brick wall.....broke a brick too! :headbang:

I've fallen out of a tree when drunk.

Myself and my mates tried to demolish a wall in his house when drunk at a party, It was a stud wall, we ran through it.....guess who hit the stud and chipped his shoulder?

Got caught in a rip tide when surfing, the surf rescue guys had to come and
get us on jet ski's.....was a tad embarrasing.

Dropped a soldering iron and caught it by the hot end! branding is NOT cool.

Fallen off my motocross bike too many times to mention......ended up selling it before I became the bionic man.

But lifes for living and having fun.......if theres no risk in life it would be very very boring. I'm 33 years old now and I dont heal as well as I used too lol, perhaps its time to think before I do something.

Although saying that.....As I am studying for my private pilots licence I have to do spin/stall that could be a challenge! If it can go wrong it will for me heh heh!
I can see the headlines now, Iron Maidens fan buries himself and aircraft 30 feet into the ground after a spinning plummet from 2500 feet.
Aces High was heard to be playing in the cockpit just before the crash:headbang:
Damn, you've done a lot huh!! :lol: Happy healing to your newest entry on the list. I hope it is feeling better by now and healing nicely. Maybe you can incorporate it into your Halloween costume? :loco:

I have never punched a wall, but I have put many a hole in many a wall and door with my foot. LOL! :oops: So dumb.