Jeff Loomis Solo Album


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
Has anyone heard anything? I'm not a fan of his playing, really...I can't stand Nevermore...but I have hope he may do something different in a solo effort. I listened to what was posted on his wankery....but I'll hold my critique until I hear the entire release.

Any other opinions?
The track 'Miles of Machines' is pretty much the highlight of the album for me.

However if you're not a fan of Nevermore then it's not likely that you'll be a fan of Loomis's solo efforts, because how he writes music, is how he writes music and you can't really expect him to do anything massively different.

But from a technical point of view, the album is amazing.
Ah someone downloaded it and uploaded it to myspace. That's gone now of course as leaked albums can never last long on myspace. But I managed to listen a couple times, I have the album on pre-order so I feel it was justified :p
Fucking amazing solo album, one of the best instrumental metal albums I've ever heard.

Nevermore are my favorite band at the moment, and Jeff is one of my favorite metal guitarists, so take my opinion on his solo effort as such.
I like it, though it grows old very quickly... Sounds very much like Jason Becker soloing over Nevermore songs, though some of it I really liked... And it is kind of nice to hear an all out, shrapnel style shredfest of an instrumental album but with more modern production...
Technically Stunning, but i dunno, i agree with you Dan, it gets boring quickly, It does sound cool though, it ticks the shred boxes. To be honest, im not a fan of nevermore either. Most of the instrumental albums i have are accoustic.
Haven't we all heard jawdropping technical ability a million times before? one more impressive than the next, blah, blah, blah, on and on....I was listening to the first "shred" albums...including Varney's US Metal releases(any old timers remember those?)...I've really heard it all before. I've always enjoyed the shredders when they are corralled by a band. Vinnie Moore with Vicious Rumors, Yngwie with Alcatrazz, Gilbert with Racer X, Joey Tafolla with Jag Panzer, Friedman with Megadeth...all showcase their playing better than any solo effort IMO. Very few guitar albums have good songwriting...turns into an ego stroke.

I was hoping Loomis would go a different route...the jury is still out being that I've only heard one song...I'll give it a listen for sure.
I was hoping Loomis would go a different route...the jury is still out being that I've only heard one song...I'll give it a listen for sure.

See, I think Nevermore is a brilliant metal band, so I would certainly include Loomis among those guitarists that are amazing songwriters in kick ass bands. His solo release is certainly guitar-centric but he creates some great atmosphere at various points throughout the album. Check out Azure Haze, gorgeous harmonies in that one.
See, I think Nevermore is a brilliant metal band, so I would certainly include Loomis among those guitarists that are amazing songwriters in kick ass bands. His solo release is certainly guitar-centric but he creates some great atmosphere at various points throughout the album. Check out Azure Haze, gorgeous harmonies in that one.

I'm looking forward to hearing it.
I've grown tired of solo guitarists who just solo over a backing track, and that's pretty much what this is. Note that he actually does a good job doing that, but they're not really "songs".
I've grown tired of solo guitarists who just solo over a backing track, and that's pretty much what this is. Note that he actually does a good job doing that, but they're not really "songs".

Define how you discern the difference between a "song" and a "backing track." These songs on Jeff's solo album have structure, melodic repetitions and motifs, different sections, etc. Much of his playing is extremely composed. I mean, do you consider a jazz guitarist playing over standards to be "soloing over a backing track" ?
I've grown tired of solo guitarists who just solo over a backing track, and that's pretty much what this is. Note that he actually does a good job doing that, but they're not really "songs".

I also really dislike that kind of stuff (and Jeff's solo album)....that said, I don't see that as being one of the problems in this particular instance.
Jeff Loomis is clean and effortless regarding the majority of his playing. It's just like anything, you either like a persons writing or you don't. But the guy can play. He does have that "Jason Becker" thing going on, but I have to admit that Perpetual Burn was way more inspirational in the writing dept. And I have been a fan of Nevermore for the past 5 years, which I'm sure helps in liking this album.