Just wanted to say....


Autopsy Obsessed
May 3, 2005
When I first got my hands on S.A.D. back when it was released, the cd absolutly blew me away...it was perfect in everyway I could imagine. I went on a huge SM binge...and life was never better.

In recent months, things have changed.
I rarely listen to the cd while sitting around at home anymore...
Everyday, while going anywhere in the cities, this release blesses me. The last half of this cd is pretty much my soundtrack for life now. Long ago, even right after the cd was released I pretty much declared it one of my favorite cds. NOW, this recording means more to me than any other I have witnessed, ever. No piece of music has ever done this much for me, in anyway. I love this stuff so much...and it means the world to me. This is the reason I am going to school for music. The fact that someone can create something THIS perfect, this great, that can effect me so much, is enough reason for me to LIVE. I cannot express it. This is my bliss.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! Everyone involved...I love you...you have provided me with so much here. Like I said, I cannot come close to expressing it. Thank you so much...
Ha, I understand what it feels to be "in love" with an album. Although for me its not SAD (sorry, still great though ;) but Elvenefris by Lykathea Aflame. It has been nearly 2 years since I first heard it and although I have listened to it less frequently, it still manages to surprise me on new listens. Absolutely brilliant.

So yeah, I know the feeling man...