Let's run a week-long messageboard adventure


Nov 9, 2001
I'll be the so called "Dungeon Master" so what I say goes. If you want in, sign up with me (private message) before I get back from lunch and we'll run an adventure on the board for the rest of the week.

Private message me your character stats too- you can be anything you want and have any equipment you want, just make sure you inventory it at the getgo. And we'll run the adventure in this thread starting around 2 PM EST!
Oh also, the adventure will be set in Forgotten Realms-style, and you'll all be starting in a Chinese restaurant so include in your private message why you're at this restaurant.

Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
I'll be in it...

I'll be Kushan, the Draconian, a large man-lizard guy. I have no equipment, because my body is a weopon. I'm a monk. A kung Fu Monk.

so you'll be a large man-lizard guy kung fu monk? what the hell's that supposed to mean?

can i have toxic farts for one of my weapons?