

THE Pimpmaster of SoCal.
Mar 11, 2004
La Habra, CA
How important are lyrics to you? When you buy a CD do you immediately read all the lyrics all the way through or do you not really bother with them? Its kind of odd in metal because usually you can't understand most of the lyrics anyways. What kinds of things do you guys like lyrics to be about? I'm writing some lyrics for songs that will be on my next album and I'm interested in what people have to say about lyrics in general.
I agree with you Wes. They don't really matter since you can't understand them, and if you can, then they probably should be decent at least, and if they're great, then its just a nice bonus.
wesjaques said:
To answer your question honestly, I may be in the minority, but lyrics don't mean anything to me as long as the music has substance. It is an added bonus if the music is great and the lyrics are great, but I often don't pay alot of attention to lyrics.