
I dont want to get married.. I think Im a bit biased though my mum and dad never wanted to and never should have married but my dad got my mum up the duff and apparently had to marry her. Now they hardly speak and just piss eachother off.

Id get engaged and have a honeymoon and live with some one and I even wanna have kids I just think marraige is a waste of time divorce is too expensive and I dont wanna change my name. It has a nice ring to it Charlotte Victoria Emily Clarke.
bleed_black_orchid said:
I dont want to get married.. I think Im a bit biased though my mum and dad never wanted to and never should have married but my dad got my mum up the duff and apparently had to marry her. Now they hardly speak and just piss eachother off.

Id get engaged and have a honeymoon and live with some one and I even wanna have kids I just think marraige is a waste of time divorce is too expensive and I dont wanna change my name. It has a nice ring to it Charlotte Victoria Emily Clarke.
if I was a bird I would marry your dad
i'd like to have kids but i dont care about marriage really. its just typical crap, doesnt mean anything, i dont need priests and rings to commit. but i have no clue what will happen.
bleed_black_orchid said:
I dont want to get married.. I think Im a bit biased though my mum and dad never wanted to and never should have married but my dad got my mum up the duff and apparently had to marry her. Now they hardly speak and just piss eachother off.

Id get engaged and have a honeymoon and live with some one and I even wanna have kids I just think marraige is a waste of time divorce is too expensive and I dont wanna change my name. It has a nice ring to it Charlotte Victoria Emily Clarke.
i met a girl called pandora the other day. nice name
hahaha yeah Im not sticking round after I finish up at college Ill go to uni then probably only ever return to visit my family. I had a dream I went to uni then came home and 5 years had gone and i thort it had only been 6 months and claire had dead long hair and widnes had a concert place like the men and my mate cave had 2 kids it was dead weird?
Lord_Of_This_World said:
i celebrate my 5th anniversary at the end of this month,i had to get married cause no one else would be stupid enough to marry me.

if i wasnt married id marry victor wooten.

Hey congrats! Does this link in with the grey hair post?